Comment history

Bahamianpride says...

Agree with John, any decrease in crime is a positive for us all, lets commend the police and be thankful for whatever factors are contributing to this.

Bahamianpride says...

Don't get excited to quickly, if the history of politics in the Bahamas is any predictor, better chance of winning the powerball in the U.S than him paying one dollar..

Bahamianpride says...

Agreed, many like to take some moral high ground or spin truth by injecting race and other explosive issues but the reality is this irresponsible behavior is destroying us and the planet. I'm a black Bahamian & not offended at all. This is the 21st century & with all the technology & preventative measures there's no need for unwanted pregnancy. Sterilisation for free would be a platform I would happily support at home & globally.

Bahamianpride says...

Vesectomies on men would be the quickest way because the procedure is quick, easy, and more effective an population control. One man can impregnate many women at a time so I would suggest we encourage men to get vesectomies if they keep having kids they don't want or cannot afford to care for. Even those men married or in long term relationships with Kids it's a good permanent birth control option. After I had my 2 kids I did it because I believe it was the responsible family planning measure to take. The procedure takes about 30 minutes under local anaesthetic or u can be put to sleep. I choose local. They do no scalpel nowadays, recovery is quick, has no effect on sexual performance. Hats off to lightbourn his thinking is in the right direction on this.

Bahamianpride says...

Lightbourne is somewhat on point but took it to far with forced sterilization. He should have also included men getting vesectomies but it should all be voluntary. He is only speaking to those who irresponsibly bring children into this world which to me means those lacking the emotional & financial ability to care & provide for children & continue having more. This to me is child abuse. We live on a island nation that is infested with crime & we all know poverty & ignorance is the driving force. Irresponsible babby making breeds crime & destruction, I respect this man for addressing this. I think voluntary vesectomies & tubal ligation should be offered free 24/7 in this country & around the world we're destroying our planet with overpopulation/polution.

Bahamianpride says...

Pay them, they're already grossly underpaid for the difficult & hazadous job they do.

Bahamianpride says...

Sad and worse, completely avoidable

Bahamianpride says...

Agreed Tal, Bain is finished in politics & has lost any credibility as a person. Some how he doesn't get the message. His only hope in life now is to shut up & hide & allow himself to be forgotten which is easy if he stays quiet and out of site in this fast food world. But can his ego, ambition, delusion, & narcissistic tendencies be overcome with reason. The man must realize, once labelled a scumbag & cheese eater, your best bet is to hide in the sewer until this all passes.

Bahamianpride says...

She will be fine, Bain however just screwed any hopes of ever being considered trustworthy even among criminals. He would of been redeemed if he acted in the publics good but this was a disgusting attempt to score for himself, no one with half a brain would ever trust that rat bastard.

On Bain admits to recording Rolle

Posted 17 May 2016, 10:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Lincoln Bean should be the one on the hot seat for being a scumbag, devulging private conversations to the media is low. Imagine if our colleagues in business or at work did this to us, he has no integrity. If he wants to share something helpful with us, how about exposing political corruption or misconduct, this trash is just reptile behavior.

On Lanisha Rolle resigns from the Senate

Posted 14 May 2016, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal