Comment history

Bahamianpride says...

Totally misunderstood breed. Non aggressive toward humans unless raised to be vicious. Any dog not properly socialized can be this way. Pitbulls, Rottweilers, German Sheppard, Argentine mastiffs etc are powerful breeds that should not be owned by irresponsible pet owners who dont invest time in proper training & socialization. People attempt to use these animals illegally for fights or as gaurd dogs without proper training & believe that just making them aggressive is enough, that's what is behind a lot of this.

Bahamianpride says...

Whether we agree or not his opinion on this topic does represent the majority of Bahamian mindsets. And as crazy as he is, and sounds, one thing I respect about this man is he lets u know where he stands. He is the Donald Trump of the Bahamas. The man speaks his mind & is honest. I don't agree but I respect him over any lying politicians from either side.

Bahamianpride says...

It does have to work, the current system doesn't work. The Bahamas is going to be downgraded regardless because of all the reckless borrowing and thievery by both political parties over the last 2 decades. The current system as it stands is backed by an insurance industry that doesn't even honor its claims many times. Insurance in general in the Bahamas whether it be property or health it becomes a battle to get them to pay out, it doesn't matter how good a consumer u have been with paying your premiums. If u can afford doctors hospital and the cost to be their u can get decent care, but unless u have some political pull and can get in a private ward at PMH the chances of your death is high especially if u r poor or old. The system needs a complete overhaul and the standard or care raised. Decisions about life or death treatment should not be based on whether u can raise enough funds at the fund raising cookout or get some sponsorship. Many of these international rating agencies are in countries that provide good healthcare to their populations. They take care of their population, we however could care less if people die because of poor healthcare as long as its not us, a friend or family member.

Bahamianpride says...

National Health Insurance is a global conclusion, what are u guys fighting. The current system is corrupt, and inadequate in terms of serving the entire population. Health care and education are two things u can never afford not to fund. Whether it be genetic disorders or health problems that are the result of lifestyle habits proper treatment or prevention should not only be for the rich. In life he who feels it knows it and until a person is in a situation where they need a life saving medical procedure and doesn't have insurance or resources they don't care. Keep thinking these insurance companies are going to pay out when u need them the most. To hell with tribal politics health care is to important and bigger than Perry. The rich can and usually fly to Miami or New York for treatment and for their wives to give birth so if this is your situation that's great but for many NHI is a necessity.

Bahamianpride says...

Whether it's about votes or not he is on the right track. FNM vs PLP in this scenario from an objective perspective. Imagine if u were stranded in the desert without water or any resources needed to live. The FNM & PLP van pulls up next to u. The FNM people say the PLP people are no good lyers and theives which they are right but the FNM pulls away and offers u nothing and leaves u to die. The PLP thieves gives u water, food and offers a ride to the next town but u gotta vote for dem to get this. I don't know about anyone else but I'm taking the PLP theives offer. That's what decisions about NHI becomes about. The stockholders don't care about poor people, especially those in the insurance industry that are no better than the mob. They want ya money but never want to pay out claims. For to long who lives or dies in terms of receiving good health care has been primarily about family economics. Health care is a national issue that should not be left to individuals with a for profit only motive. He gets my vote if he gets NHI running even though I don't like most of his politics. The P.M is doing the right thing for the people.

Bahamianpride says...

Very Disturbing, someone needs to go to jail for this.

On Rescued from the rubble

Posted 27 January 2016, 1:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Reread update, Warren Aranhna and the Fountains won, the poor lost.

Bahamianpride says...

These are valid questions regarding the group. But let's go further, who are the individuals that sold this property alledgedly under false pretense to this group, are they politically connected, let an investigation reveal their identity? If all notification where made as stated and all legal documents support this, these matters should be easy to resolve. Let's hold to the fire everyone involved equally & find out objectively who created this tragedy because once again the only people losing are the poor. Tribune time for some investgative journalism.

Bahamianpride says...

Truepeople, totally agree.

Bahamianpride says...

U assume that the lawyers statement about proper notification is correct. U assume that me having a bias towards poor means I don't believe in the rule of law. What I see in this country over and over is the abuse of poor people so therefore I am bias in favor of their protection because the rule of law does not apply to them.