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Bahamianpride says...

My2can't, the same way u know it was. We have 2 conflicting stories one of an attorney ( professional lyer) & one from a charity group helping the poor. I see no mention of police presence during this ordeal. Lastly l have been in these types of land dispute & understand that shady individuals will claim your land and sell it if u don't keep an eye on it. The typical eviction in the Bahamas is some land owner hiring bunch of thugs to remove undwanted individuals so I'm happy they at least did not go that route. I'm maybe just a little bias in favor of the poor, that's the Christian in me.

Bahamianpride says...

Where is the Police, Individuals should not be executing evictions on their own without the presence of the state to ensure this is done humanely. The lawyers explanation doesn't justify the actions taken. If according him the order of the court is ignored, then the next action should be to go back to court and schedule an eviction with the proper authorities present. The police would have ordered everyone to leave and given time for them to get their belongings. U don't just show up one day and bulldoze the property with people, their property and animals present without any precautions. This is uncivilized behavior and legal actions needs to be taken for the animals injured and damage to individual property. Furthermore the individual who sold this property should be tracked down and arrested.

Bahamianpride says...

No angels on either side of the debate. Private health insurance in the Bahamas or insurance in general is like organized crime. All they want to do is collect. What about people with disorders like lupus or MS. If u are born to a poor family and have any of these type ailments the chance of a swift death in the Bahamas are high. We can argue that NHI needs more time and better consultation but using individuals who have profited greatly from the corrupt private health care system is like using the fox as a consultant in the building of the chicken coupe. I am no fan of NHI but i'm also not a fan of people dying unnecessarily because they cannot afford private health insurance or access to competent care. Health care is a national issue and to important to be left at the discretion of people whose only motive is profit. In the current system we have $$$ is the only factor in determining who lives or die. Look at our grocery stores, everything that's healthy is triple the cost, but u can buy tons of junk at discount prices. So unless u have a farm in your back yard the poor in general eat unhealthy and generally live in unsanitary conditions. Scientist have address the many health issues associated with consumption of these overly process unnatural lab made products, particularly its affect on insulin. So basically U can have a fat midsection or be obese and still be malnourished. What needs to be address and expanded upon in the health care debate is the how cost of living and other economic factors in the Bahamas contributes to poor health. I generally don't side with either political party but the PLP are heading in the right direction with NHI for all.

On Bishop says govt should not wait on insurers

Posted 25 January 2016, 7:16 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Only Heartless animals do things like this to people. Shameful.

Bahamianpride says...

When is the police going to start running random tags on Honda vehicles and make more stops of this brand, say hi and good bye if its a productive person, if not run the person for warrants and search the car for weapons. It's clearly obvious with Honda's track record for reliability and fuel efficiency this is the car the criminals prefer.

On Man in hospital after Ida Street shooting

Posted 11 January 2016, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

There are to many barriers to people receiving the proper mental health treatment in the Bahamas. First we live in a very superstitious culture where persons see ailments as the result of voodoo leaving many untreated or even worse abused as a result of just pure ignorance. Our early identification systems is a family member with some intelligence recognizing the problem and proactively seeking out help. Otherwise people don't give a damn and just want the problem gone from in front of them. The police are not trained in Crisis intervention or to properly identified certain disorders, their primitive mentality is if u disobey me, beat that ass or shoot. Our medical response teams, are not going to take anyone for crisis screening unless they show definite signs of being a threat to themselves or others, or the police presses the issue. Social services is unresponsive, useless, I have called the emergency lines many times to report abusive situation that I have observed and the case workers are a no show. All this is the result of hiring so many political cronies over the years many who are unqualified and neglect most of the basic responsibilities of their jobs. Its very difficult to address mental illness in a society with limited accountability and ignorant flawed mentality from most of the population that's lost in the dark ages of witchcraft.

Bahamianpride says...

Ridiculous, Crime had nothing to do with gender or abuse. It was an opportunistic crime committed by murderers without any gender motivation. Him and Wayne Munroe need to take some time to consider their logic on recent issues.

On Miller attacks Crisis Centre

Posted 8 December 2015, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

I have heard both sides of the argument and it is clear that individuals that have a vested interest in protecting their own status or financial situation don't care whether people are dying because of failed access to basic healthcare needs. I am not a PLP, FNM or DNA they're all the same to me. In life, he who feels it knows it and the haves don't have any compassion for the have nots. Those individuals born into a certain status or who profit greatly from the current system of for profit only health care will try to spin this as some socialist anti capitalist welfare state. Yet when the government gives away Crown Land to the wealthy and provides huge incentives no mention is given to welfare or that we cannot afford it. It is only when things are done to help working class people and the poor that the affluent get up in arms about spending and debt. I am no fan of PMH or the Authority but I see the suffering that many families go through that cannot afford the premiums for health coverage or who get scammed by the insurance industry in the Bahamas. We claim to be a christian nation but would limit healthcare only to those who could afford it. I see health care as a basic human right and those who don't want universal healthcare should also have the right to purchase whatever private healthcare they can afford and avoid public hospitals and clinics. But every citizen should be able to walk into the hospital and receive medical treatment without worrying about financial ruin. Lastly the insurance industry in the Bahamas is worst than organized crime, from property to medical coverage all they want to do is collect money and not pay a dime in claims. I am under no delusion that this or anything done by the government will be done right but I give credit to the fact that they are going in the right direction for the best interest of the majority of the population.

Bahamianpride says...

Disappeared twice before, she lives Andros, husband works at Atlantis, kid attends school in Andros. Last seen when husband took him shopping. 1st question if he was with husband why don't husband know where he is? 2nd, kids run away from home for mainly 2 reasons, family dysfunction or they want to be bad asses in the streets, so since he has a history no need to depict him as an angel in graduation attire. He has been missing twice for lengthy periods, where was he at during these missing periods? Without further details this sames like some kind of dysfunctional situation with no innocents involved...Don't think he wants to be found by parents.

Bahamianpride says...

Truepeople agreed, New party with same old politicians is like putting dirty water in a clean bottle and serving it to the public as enhanced water for consumption, what's needed in Bahamian politics is a purge..

On Galanis: There is no room for third parties

Posted 26 November 2015, 9:46 a.m. Suggest removal