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Bahamianpride says...

The point is did these people in there official compacity as public's servants used there postions as public officials to secure unsecured loans that they would not otherwise be qualified for if the loan were based on the merits of sound business principles or investment used to establish loan qualification. 2nd did the BOB a Quasi government corporation serving the people loan this money based on political favor, ignoring all ordinary loan qualifications procedures. If this is so, u have a crime of Official Misconduct on the part of bank officials and the politicians who took the money period.. It just sames like the evidence is overwhelmingly pointing to corruption & once u start opening & looking into BOB's box of corruption it can get nasty fast...

On Bank of the Bahamas to sue The Punch

Posted 24 February 2014, 7:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Clearly there are no angels out of any of these politicians. Phifering the peoples money and hiding behind positions to get preferential treatment sames to be business as usually. There has always been a serious problem of discrimination going on where accountability is for the poor, middle class or non connected. This goes on in many countries but every once in a while someone gets nailed in other places. I wonder has any of our biggest named crooks in the last 30 years in Bahamian government gone to jail for Official Misconduct, have to research this? Lastly, the larger problem is when stealing and corruption is systematic can we expect anything different from the streets

On 'Tax dodger should be fired from VAT role'

Posted 24 February 2014, 7:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Lol, he's delusional..& the 2 guys in the photo are laughing @ him deep down inside.. keep the cash coming & we'll keep pretending.. "Mr. Nygard u looking younger today" ha ha ha all the way to the bank. He's such a narcissist. His obsession with living forever is so deep that if u told him Dracula was real, alive & located he'd be on the first flight to meet him. This man lives in his own personal delusional Narnia.

On Bahamas resident ‘reverses ageing process’

Posted 23 February 2014, 4:12 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Problem with the webb shops other than there illegalities is what it feeds off. That's is mostly the working poor transforming them into degenerate gamblers.. Sucking the life blood out of already poor communities.. But like prohibitions and the mob the webb shop's are the result of self discriminating policies and curruption.. We allow Christian Councils to have imput on business decisions that impact the financial stability of a Nation. What's wrong with passing laws that allow Bahamian Business men and Women to take part in the Gaming industry as owners and provide employment to qualified persons. What's wrong with anyone of legal age and means being able to walk into such establishment and gamble if they choose.. Like prohibitions the quickess way to get rid of the webb shop is to legalize the gambling industry to all.. At this point you have no choice but to work with the Webb Shop Owners because they have bought politicians & to enforce the law would be suicidal for them. Legalize it, fine them, penalize them, tax them, but get them to participate in legal gambling and out of the poor communities..

On Taxing webshops could ease burden of VAT’

Posted 22 February 2014, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

A lot of paper shredding & computer system cleansing must have occurred prior BOB's President making these statements.

On Bank of the Bahamas to sue The Punch

Posted 21 February 2014, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Concerned, one of them is China.. But we cannot continue to survive in the dark ages if we are going to be competitive. I have always believed that the business of law abiding consenting adults is there business, whether it be religion or sexual preferences, just don't force it on me...

Bahamianpride says...

I agree with the Minister's stance, but disagree that there will be backlash in terms of support from the U.S. because they are homophobic as well. Its just that the rule of law and civil liberties are more closely monitored forcing people to behave. My belief is that as long as you obey the law and are not endangering kids or the general public, keep your religion, sexuality or personal matters in your house. If 2 dudes or gals want to marry each other that's between them, the government should get out of marriages anyway, heterosexual or homosexual.. The only interference in marriage by the government should be the protection of kids, or the general protection from abuse or harm.. Property, alimony and all other financial arrangement is the business of contract law, which should be drawn up before people engage in these commitments..

Bahamianpride says...

Even worse the response time for assistance could be hours on the open sea. You would be dead by the time assistance arrive..

Bahamianpride says...

This is assinine, any law abiding citizen should have the right to own a handgun or any legal arms for there protection. The reality is the bad guys have guns and will use it, if u look at the highjacking at sea on the Somalian Coastline many would have been stopped if the ships had guns. Criminals like soft targets, not having a gun in your home or access to it makes u a soft target, your first line of defense is the man in the mirror, then your neigbors, then the government.. Try it the other way and your a sitting duck.. A gun is a tool in the hands of a honest man, I have them, i time to time carry a 40. it sits in a pancake holster concealed, i never had to use it, hopfully never will, but i have a choice if attacked or any of my family, friends or neigbors are attacked. Cut the b.s. if these guys are legal, law abiding citizen let them have there guns, its like GRAY would rather them be sitting ducks on a unsecured ocean of criminals.

Bahamianpride says...

Re classification is what's occurring, the crimes are either being ignored or reclassified to lesser offenses. The manipulation of crime figures with comstat has been going on for years. Rapes into assualts and robbery into theft etc, etc. Like unemployment figures politician like to play games by influences numbers. We will never know what the true figures are but i will believe the hospitals figures any day over a Police Department, what's in it for them to lie.

On Crime stats political interference claim

Posted 10 February 2014, 6:48 a.m. Suggest removal