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Bahamianpride says...

It is the citizens that control crime in a community not the police. In many of these communities the people committing the crime are related to the people complaining about the crime. Random crime can happen anywhere but try committing crime in a productive community and see how quick the police gets called and action gets taken. I don't blame the Commissioner for any failures or the high crime, Crime is only the symptom of other dysfunction in society. The first 3 people I would blame are Pindling, HAI, and Perry because they where in the position to control economic policies that affected the nation. Politicians have screwed things up in this country for the last 40 years so as much as I am frustrated, there's a lot of blame to go around and the Commish and BJ Nottage are near the bottom of the blame list.

Bahamianpride says...

Night clubs and Honda's = death Especially at 4 a.m.

On Man dies after shooting outside nightclub

Posted 19 September 2015, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

We don't want umm... got enough criminals locked up in fox Hill and roaming the street. Alma Adams should of bid Cuba the middle finger in that farewell for given us crap. Send us nine doctors or engineers keep the misfits. Jerks..

On Cuba frees nine jailed Bahamians

Posted 19 September 2015, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Now that's an honest perspective of the true crime situation. Statistics often hide the truth and are so heavily manipulated to the benefit of those who control it..

Bahamianpride says...

Tal, That's that KFC.. makes ya drowsy, especially if u eat the whole bucket with biscuits dipped in honey..

On Gomez passes Election Court brief to Munroe

Posted 17 September 2015, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

That's that KFC.. makes ya drowsy, especially if u eat the whole bucket with biscuits dipped in honey..

Bahamianpride says...

We are all innocent until proven guilty but it sames odd the FOAM President was in a relationship with Mr. Williams who was on bail after being arrested for what was believed to be his alleged involvement with two murders.. His past or presence lifestyle conflicts with everything the movement stands for.. May God bless him, his family and all those who suffered lost but i'm still conflicted about viewing him as a innocent victim.. Many of us have family members and loved ones who to us are angels but to the world they are monsters. Only time will tell if Mr. Williams was a changed man or a monster in disguise. One thing we all certain about is that we live in a lawless dangerous place..

On Boyfriend of anti-crime activist is shot dead

Posted 16 September 2015, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

John Deflection, spin does not address the problem.. Nassau is a very dangerous place and unlike the U.S we cannot just pick up and move to a low crime area or different State. Example Portland Oregon 626000 people, 26 murders in 2014.. There are many communities that have not seen a murder or serious crime in 50 years..

On Lawyer says Nassau ‘is a dangerous dump’

Posted 15 September 2015, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Truthhurts, many of our people including corrupt politicians and clergy talk about God all day, yet they never live Jesus. We good for talk but talk is cheap because very few live the teaching and the example, this is reflected in our criminal minded politicians and morally corrupt society, that's what I'm talking about. Paster living the good life while most of his flock are 1 check away from homelessness. Whether it's the reality of life or laziness the thought process is the same with many young men, maybe u should talk to them sometimes like I do. My point is we abuse God's name and u cannot pray problems away. Fact is we have too many young men born to single mother's, raised without male guidance, and u add to that economic challenges and the sin of envy takes over. I do not to rationalize or excuse their behavior but we must acknowledge more religious talk don't work, they grew up listening to it and even the pastor who preaches it he cannot stop stealing or having sex with women in the church or molesting kids.... And he spews it constantly...

On Husband and wife found shot dead in Grand Bahama

Posted 15 September 2015, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

You guys need to cut it out with God this, God that... Try talking to a hungry man about God its useless, all he seeks is food... You eating he hungry, he be ready to kill u. Human instinct is to survive and these guys are in survival mode. Its easy to speak from a position of comfort about God but the young men in these over the hill communities only think about how they gonna survive each day. Church on every block, everyone is God this, God that, yet the place is overran with criminals and corruption. Maybe we need to focus more on doing more with education and economic development to built over the hill communities. Urban renewal not enough. Faith without works is useless... I use to hear it all the time as a kid, God will provide, that's some b.s. This mentality keeps our people poor, powerless and as victims with all hopes of a better life placed in the afterlife. So they suffer and don't improve the situation of their daily existence. Religion essentially keeps them poor and suffering for generations. We got to many poorly socialized, raised in poverty, unemployed, dangerous young men hanging and running around the Bahamas. We have a corrupt government, uncontrollable illegal immigration, poor education, increase debt, highly inflated prices, and a medical system that's substandard. U have to address these and many others problems as they and many are all the underlying problems, high Crime is only the symptom. One thing I am certain of is it ain't gonna be fixed with prayer... or looking at the sky waiting for answers..

On Husband and wife found shot dead in Grand Bahama

Posted 15 September 2015, 6:34 a.m. Suggest removal