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Bahamianpride says...

Truetruebahamian, now the arming of citizens is what needs to happen, allow me to purchase a handgun so I don't have to really on fatty.. U break into my house or try to rob or harm me or my family u get shoot period.. Crime would decrease quickly..

On Husband and wife found shot dead in Grand Bahama

Posted 14 September 2015, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

BID, they are armed, just not off duty which has to change. I have been through numerous amounts of tactical training and I tell u it aint easy shooting on the move or at moving things. In most police shootouts many times when adrenaline gets pumping even 100% accurate shooters hit maybe 10% of the time. These are well conditioned tactical guys hitting 10% under pressure so imagine a fat bloob. First he has to put down his burger, get out the car without a heart attack, unholster his weapon that's probably lost in his fat waistline, then hold those large arms steady on a target that's moving while he's moving. And remember the use of deadly force is only warranted in cases where the escape of this individual produces imminent danger to the public, therefore u not suppose to shoot at running shoplifters. Remember most police work doesn't involve using weapons, and one can argue obese individuals like this guy may be more prone to shoot at a petty thief or shoplifter vs a discipline officer who would only use deadly force to protect life not property. As a general statement we as Bahamians including myself need to do a better job of taking care of our health.

On Husband and wife found shot dead in Grand Bahama

Posted 14 September 2015, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

This is terrible, country out of control, and as disturbing as these murders are I agree with Cobalt one cannot help but be distracted by that undisciplined lard ass Officer. Commissioner, Sir u gotta put in mandatory fitness requirements and yearly physical test for officers. When in uniform a criminal looks u up and down and make decisions to test you many times based on your appearance and the public feels hopeless when they see this as a line of defense.

On Husband and wife found shot dead in Grand Bahama

Posted 14 September 2015, 5:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Until the underlying causes of high crime are dealt with it doesn't matter who u put in that office.

On FNM: It’s time for Nottage to be replaced

Posted 4 September 2015, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Crime is a symptom of deeper social and economic problems. Banker is right about the poverty it plays a huge factor because it puts people in survival mode. There is a huge disconnect between those that have and the poor. This country treats poor people like a disease and the ghetto is a breeding ground for violent criminals. The environment is toxic with all the fatherless kids born each year. We have Bahamian people still living with no electric, running water, or any modern day amenities except a cheap minutes phone. We have predators like webb shops sucking the life out of these communities even further damage an already destructive environment. We have people in power who profess this is a christian nation, talk about God all day but nobody lives jesus, that is the teachings of Jesus Christ. The country double taxes its people with duties and vat inflating the cost of necessities putting further strain on everyone but the rich. I could go on for days as to why the crime is bad, but somehow many believe that we can arrest our way out of this, good luck with that type of thinking. You cannot cure the measles by popping pimples. Here are a few steps in reducing crime: stop treating poor people like a disease and aggressive target family planning to stop irresponsible baby making, improve social service response and involvement, enforce child support, and proactively shut down webb shops and other destructive forces in these communities.

On FNM: It’s time for Nottage to be replaced

Posted 4 September 2015, 7:19 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Myzcents absolutely agree with your statement... Bran's exposed and his Narcissism runs so deep that he doesn't realize the more he talks the worse he looks.

Bahamianpride says...

Birdie u probably fly to U.S for health care, anyone knows with PMH you better be there constantly or your love one gets piss poor treatment, staff generally have an attitude problem. So Birdie what happened with all the people this year who went in for simply procedures and ended up dead ( D Andjoua Beneby. Just recently). We have to improve health care Birdie, more important than patisan politics.

Bahamianpride says...

Evil compounded by incompetence at the Princess Death Hospital. If u can afford it, take your sick/injured to doctors hospital, otherwise u better off going to bush man especially if u old. it's past time for an official inquiry into quality of care at PMH.

Bahamianpride says...

For the life of me I don't understand with crime so high, why this Gynecologist was put in the position as National Security Minister or why he would accept such a task. He would best be served fighting in a war against STD's and out of control baby making.

Bahamianpride says...

Agree with your statements John. I will add to that by saying there is also a huge problem with classism and giving back in our country that fuels this problem. Our system is set up in a way that once you are down u stay down unless someone cuts u a break and cracks the door open. Even with family members, many turn their backs on others once they have made it, I'm not talking about ignoring lazy people not wanting anything or giving without requirements but reaching back and uplifting those that are trying. Their are many good people working hard and trying in our inner city but the strain placed on families with the high cost of goods and services survival or upward mobility is difficult. Then their are no checks and balances with fighting our number one enemy, ignorance. I personally tell family members to their face about their ass, no more making babies u cannot support, cut the dumb shit and try to uplift them, I don't care what they say to me. And if u a criminal I turn your ass in if I know about it. I don't enable derelict behavior nor do I run and hide in my nice home, I go straight in the ghetto because that's where I'm from and they need the uplifting. If you serious I will do all in my power to open a door for you, if not I will tell u about your ass and at the same time tell u to come see me when u serious. People have to care more about others to help fight crime. But we have essentially created 3 classes of people in the Bahamas, the rich, working people who are one job loss away from poverty and don't realize they're really poor, and the poor. 40 years ago when everyone lived a certain way crime was low because envy and greed was low, the discrepancies between households was not so evident. People shared food and resources and looked out for each other. Now people go to work, go to church, stay inside with social media and associated only with people of a certain class or their family members, in most instances I don't blame them for this because times have changed. What's strange is that because of how we have become as a society I would not be surprised if many who murder each other may have just killed a distant relative unknown to them. With government corruption and a lost of all faith in the church, I think something dramatic politically has to happen for change, but we have very few individuals to choose from and the system is setup to keep certain individuals in power.

On Nottage vow in face of 25% rise in murders

Posted 29 August 2015, 8:31 a.m. Suggest removal