Comment history

BaronInvest says...

Our investment group pulled out of the Bahamas a year ago. People in the government expect you to pay them bribes. If you don't you wait forever. So we decided to pull the plug on a 30 million dollar investment and rather go to Caymans. It's exactly how economist wrote above. Good luck! It's the same with permanent residency btw. Bribe or don't get it - no thanks, no longer need or want it.

BaronInvest says...

134.000$ for Food... haha... man I remember the pictures of the "food"... only in the Bahamas

On FBI to probe Fyre fiasco

Posted 4 July 2017, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

BaronInvest says...

Man I'm so glad our investment group pulled out a year ago. This article and its comments are a good reminder why this was the right decision. The Bahamas are just too 3rd world...

On Sarkis: Halt the Baha Mar sale

Posted 26 June 2017, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

BaronInvest says...

Can a Bahamian please explain a dumb foreigner like me why you keep crippling your economy with these import duties ? I was on the verge to open a German supermarket in Nassau with a multi-million investment when I saw that milk is 5$ instead of 50 cents and that most of the food is basically 400% more expensive than in the US/Europe.

That project basically got scrapped when we understood "import duties" in the Bahamas. Not to mention all the bribes involved in order to get your goods handled on time and with the proper care.

On U-turn on duty cuts for paint, drinks

Posted 22 June 2017, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

BaronInvest says...

This small nation could be at the very top in pretty much all categories. It's such a small but wealthy environment- it's a real shame Bahamians allow a small minority to stop this country by succeeding in every aspect - by filling their own pockets and holding the hand open at every corner.

I could run my own electricity company in your country - made from renewable energy. With a little investment of maybe 2-3 million. Let me buy some land and import solar and wind generators. But with all these showstoppers around the Bahamas is uninvestable for me.

BaronInvest says...

Yeah let's blame the foreigners because we all know Bahamians are so educated, smart and willing to work very hard - haha.

How about making solar and wind energy components duty free instead of burning fuel on an island that has always sun and wind. Let homeowners feed electricity into the grid.

BaronInvest says...

So happy for the Bahamian people that they finally got rid of this incompetent lying twat.

On Mitchell lashes out at FNM win

Posted 16 May 2017, 1:29 a.m. Suggest removal

BaronInvest says...

Hah, I paid 100$ to 3 people for not voting for him. Who was the 4th? Foreign Interest!!!

BaronInvest says...

Looks like there is hope for the Bahamas.

BaronInvest says...

Fred’S Investor Message: ‘Bring Money, Shut Up’ on 5th August 2015. If you google his name and read the pile of shit coming out of his mouth you don't even need a journalist to explain you the situation.