Comment history

BigD1 says...

Yes he does. This is the job of the Opposition, To hold the Governments feet to the fire on everything that is of National concern.

BigD1 says...

It seems like the whole DNA campaign is to lump the FNM with the PLP and honestly its kinda stupid. Who ever came up with this strategy really needs to come again

BigD1 says...

SP, its obvious what side of the fence you are on but was it not the FNM who was on the verge of completing new Court facilities when the PLP came in canceled them then
restarted them now it seems that work has stopped as the price tag increased again. We need to stop playing these political games and as Citizens (not DNA or FNM) start requiring this Government to get the job done. Blaming the previous FNM government is not a part of the solution and quite frankly a waste of time. We all need to put the fire to the feet of the current Government as they are still there until 2017 not the FNM.

BigD1 says...

Only in the Bahamas you can get beat up and dragged out of a club for no reason by a bartender and bouncers, and when you go to the Police station to complain they don't investigate (because you tell them the people that beat you say they is police so it needs to go to complaints section on Monday cause its closed on weekends) and then they send you to the hospital (thats working overtime with people stabbed and shot). Then to add insult to injury when one of the club bouncers who is an off duty police shows up to the station and tell you to pay the bill, they tell you pay it or you under arrest. Then you scratch your head and wonder why people taking justice into their own hands....wowwww

BigD1 says...

Ok blame the FNM in 5,4,3,2...........

BigD1 says...

Flogging has been a part of Bahamian law but Mr. McCartney is a lawyer and knows quite well the government cannot dictate what punishment a judge will levy. This is why there is separation of the judiciary and the state. This is the height of pandering.

On McCartney suggests public floggings

Posted 5 July 2012, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Well said 242

BigD1 says...

It appears the PLP have no answers for the problems at hand so they are trying to deflect criticism. It's pathetic

BigD1 says...

As much as I would like to give Mr. Bell a chance to prove himself he keeps revealing that he is nothing more than a political hack.

On Junior Minister Keith Bell makes claim

Posted 5 June 2012, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

All my life I never believed most black Bahamians are stupid. It's amazing how much my thinking has evolved since May 7th.