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BigD1 says...

So he said it was some people being stupid and not black Bahamians. I guess that makes it ok. By the way is there a tape to confirm this

BigD1 says...

Bril i agree with you. This has been the problem with the media recently. They print whatever comes of these persons mouths without ever getting or requesting evidence to substantiate their claims or even follow up with the persons involved to get both sides of the story before they print. (Usually that person could not be contacted up to press time). A responsible media should seek the facts and print the truth at all cost and not settle for conjecture and insinuations.This is not journalism, this is propaganda presented by a lazy press.

On PLP chairman rejects claim of new cars

Posted 31 May 2012, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Just like the PLP in 2007 who were in debt as well. Elections are expensive and dependent on donors. Yes the PLP had more money to spend. By the way On a totally unrelated topic is the PM and DPM still working for that oil company "wink wink"

On New FNM leader Minnis hits out at PLP

Posted 29 May 2012, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

I noticed it to, I guess it isn't as relevant when the PLP are in charge.

On Deaths take toll to 12 in a fortnight

Posted 22 May 2012, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Yes there is hope for the next generation if we as society get involved to make a difference. We need answers for this generation and we need to be pro-active and not reactive. This requires leadership, capabilities and sacrafice. We most be bold in our approach to this problem if there is going to be any difference in the short term.

On Deaths take toll to 12 in a fortnight

Posted 21 May 2012, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Yes, if you keep saying crime must come down, and how serious you are, then maybe the criminals will stop what they are doing and see the errors in their ways. Wake up people, you can't stop some one from trying to commit a crime but you can use inteligence, manpower and 21st century technology to put a dent in their efforts. There are thousands if not millions of terrorist worldwide who would love to destroy America, but they are repeatedly thwarted because of proper, intelligence and investigative agencies along with technology that is used to prevent these acts. Its time for us to realized that we are being terrorrized by our own citizens and we need to do what is needed to combat these terrorist not just talk about it.

On Deaths take toll to 12 in a fortnight

Posted 21 May 2012, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Yes, if you keep saying crime must come down, and how serious you are, then maybe the criminals will stop what they are doing and see the errors in their ways. Wake up people, you can't stop some one from trying to commit a crime but you can use inteligence, manpower and 21st century technology to put a dent in their efforts. There are thousands if not millions of terrorist worldwide who would love to destroy America, but they are repeatedly thwarted because of proper, intelligence and investigative agencies along with technology that is used to prevent these acts. Its time for us to realized that we are being terrorrized by our own citizens and we need to do what is needed to combat these terrorist not just talk about it.

On Nottage: Murder count must come down now

Posted 21 May 2012, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Lets talk about all of these issues. I was refering to blaming the Government for crime. We are all bahamians and are effected by crime. So I am on your side. Do you have any suggestions on what needs to be done

On Threat of crime at 'critical' levels

Posted 19 May 2012, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Fifty men have been hanged here since 1929. Five under the previous Ingraham administration; 13 under the Pindling government; and the remainder between 1929 and 1967. The last man to be hanged was David Mitchell, in January 2000. Another man was scheduled for execution at the same time, but he committed suicide first

Google again

On Threat of crime at 'critical' levels

Posted 19 May 2012, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

There were 17 murderers on death row in 2006, when the Privy Council abolished the mandatory death sentence in the Bahamas, requiring all of them to be re-sentenced at new hearings. Today, there are five convicts waiting to be hanged with their cases at various stages of appeal. And if they remain on death row longer than five years, they can no longer be executed because such a delay is considered cruel and unusual punishment in and of itself. Isnt it interesting that murders increased immediately after this disision was made. The wonder of Google

We have not hung any one since 1997 because the appeals take too long and then the death penalty is quashed or the Privy Council deem it too harsh a penalty. Its evident that persons do not fear the law because they feel they wll not be put to death or because of the sloppy police work, inept prosecuters, savvy defence lawyers etc they can beat the case or get bail. In any event they get the street cred of being in jail and back on the street to continue their life of crime. So the death penalties cannot solve this problem on its own but it is one of many things that can be corrected to help with the crime fight. Pointing fingers solve nothing