Comment history

BigD1 says...

The burden of proof is always with the accuser. If you have done nothing wrong why respond to wild accusations. A critical error the leader of the PLP continuously tends to make, never make a statement unless you have all the facts. Unfortunately we are at the finish line so in the words of Mr. Hubert Ingraham.......late again!!!

On Parties in row over 'tourism contract'

Posted 6 May 2012, 12:27 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

I guess murders are only relevant when the FNM is the Government.

On PM hits back in Pindling row

Posted 1 May 2012, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

See what I mean. Did the FNM make these persons murder. Is there some special instructions from the government to commit any of these crime. Did the PLP apologize for the 300 plus murders that took place under there term. Isn't most of these murders drug related or retaliation. What percentage of these murders were actually random incidents. Also can you provide the figures for random murders under the PLP as well as the FNM. Finally, know what forget it...... lol

On PM hits back in Pindling row

Posted 1 May 2012, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

I have tried to have constructive conversations with PLP's but they are so emotional and they base all of their arguments on hear say and not facts. Also when they see that they are losing the argument they hurl insults and become beligerant. I therefore see no point in discussing politics with them until this election season is over.

On PM hits back in Pindling row

Posted 1 May 2012, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

I have tried to have constructive conversations with PLP's but they are so emotional and they base all of their arguments on hear say and not facts. Also when they see that they are losing the argument they hurl insults and become beligerant. I therefore see no point in discussing politics with them until this election season is over.

BigD1 says...

The last I checked isn't Mr. Ingraham the current Prime Minister. Doesn't he deserve respect too. Like he said at the beginning of the election cycle we ain starting no fights but we ain ducking no blows. But guys we can disagree respectfully.

On PM hits back in Pindling row

Posted 30 April 2012, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Didn't this story run already. Why are we repeating this.

On None

Posted 30 April 2012, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Isn't it curious this happened a few days after the PLP posted those murder rate signs

On Cruise line to stop overnight stays

Posted 29 April 2012, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Yes let me be the first to blog about carnival ships not overnighting any more. Isn't it a coincidence that that this happened two days after the PLP posted those rediculous murder billboards. Hmmm curious

On PLP hit out at 'dictator' Prime Minister

Posted 29 April 2012, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Bahamians have a very short memory or maybe too young to know. After the commission of inquiry it was Mr. Ingraham who stopped the prosecution of Sir Lynden and his Cabinet and he received harsh criticism from his party because of it. People should do there research rather than follow the noise in the market.