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BigD1 says...

It takes a special sort of idiot to see these billboards make no sense. I guess using this rational let's put up billboards with child rapes as well. Since its in the papers lets put it in front of the airport with pictures of the victims. This smacks of desperation but hey it's the facts right.

On PLP hit out at 'dictator' Prime Minister

Posted 27 April 2012, 7:35 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

This is great. Now that you have it on tape take it to the police because this is a crime as the signs are private property. Hopefully the persons who recorded this has reported the matter to authorities. But seriously, billboards can't vote....but billboards with the murder count in a tourist destination can hurt an industry trying to recover. Or maybe that was the point...destroy tourism in order for us to rely on oil drilling to boost the economy.....interesting

BigD1 says...

These are the persons who wanted a nationally televised debate and this how they conduct themselves on the Radio. Wow i am glad Mr Ingraham had the sense to not indulge in such a fiasco.

On Party leaders in shouting match

Posted 25 April 2012, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

This supposedly took place in the PLP stronghold area with Mr. Christie and the Police present and people wearing FNM shirts were throwing stones in the direction of the PLP leader and this is just being publiciesed now. I am an FNM but I am also a realist. Anyone who knows anything about this area would realise that this is most unlikely. I await to get the full story but there is something fishy here.

On ‘FNM thug threw rock at gran’

Posted 22 April 2012, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

And I guess the Leader and the Deputy leader of the PLP who granted these licences and who are the legal consultants for this oil company if elected will say no to allowing their clients to drill for oil. Really?

On Call for government to come clean on oil

Posted 21 April 2012, 10:56 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

This is the look of desperation. Look at his

On Nottage: PM refused to address people

Posted 21 April 2012, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

And by the way...should they not pose these questions to the PLP cause it's there leaders who are the legal reps for BPC.

On Call for government to come clean on oil

Posted 20 April 2012, 8:15 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Ok so what exactly would satisfy the DNA about the Governement intentions. What document or contract signed in blood would cause them to stop persuing an obvious political issue. No matter which party is in power Oil drilling would never become reality without the support of the Bahamian people. Any one with common sense knows this so what's the point of all of this......

On Call for government to come clean on oil

Posted 20 April 2012, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Why so sensitive lol

BigD1 says...

In other news some observers beleive Islandboy242242 is an idiot and stands a strong chance of giving Branville Mccartney and crew a run for this title. LOL