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Bigrocks says...

Maybe it is getting time for us locals to protest all this digital, crypto BS and stay with cash and checks. It aint going to work for the masses and beneifit the few. France is now almost having riots over this process

Bigrocks says...

well, now as of July 1 duty on gas going up .35. then add on VAT. you are going to see 6.50 gas faster than you can blink an eye.

Bigrocks says...

I may be mistaken. But all this time has gone by and it seems we still do not know even 1 Bahamian that got funds back during the collapse. Where did it all go locally?

Bigrocks says...

Government bloat as usual. Nobody is forced to be the AG. They are canned when the Government changes hands. Then go back to the Private sector with more prestige which includes higher pay than when they left it to be the AG. Never seen a financial burdened AG either.

Bigrocks says...

Bigger checkbooks always win.

Bigrocks says...

Well, he will get off scott free and be back here in business with the same old oversight.

Bigrocks says...

Well, maybe all those banks should put money into thier IT systems to make them reliable and more easy to use. Especial outgoing wires. Then Neither Cable Bahamas nor BTC have reliable internert service either. All this fiber talk and not techs to back it up. Takes 2 weeks to 3 months to get it working at best for a servise call. BTC cannot even give you a time of day,week or month when they can come. As far as I am concern, seems the banks are very efficeint in raising fees and having their customers shoved out of the bank and force to do the bank's works for free

Bigrocks says...

Well, China will not move on Taiwon until the Ukrain war is more or less settled. They are trying to play peace maker as a decoy. However, I am sure they are hoping that the US and Russia weaken themselves so much and deminishes thier supplies to a point leaving China as the lone strong man standing. They also want a chunk of Russian that once belonged to them many years ago. It is almost safe to say they hope Russia and USA realy go at it as it will leave them as the last and only SuperPower left.

On Will Bahamas side with China or Taiwan?

Posted 28 April 2023, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

well, our small company was shut down from a TCC because NIB said we were not compliant.
why. a nib employee in June of 2020 fouled up a transaction and could not get to post a payment to the right month. So, it was put in another month. So, our payments were all made. But, because of the employee mistake they said we never paid for 1 month in 22 years in business. The month after that nonpayment month showed 2 payments. . They now have to make a reversal of one of the payments that were in the double payment month back to the month that was showing nonpayment. Seems that takes time I guess for all the bureaucracy. 4 weeks now and almost resolved. Rumor has it that during lockdown many folks got hit this way?
Just reapplied for a TCC and now waiting to see where that goes now.

Bigrocks says...

Well, for all this sand dollar, cashless,ect you need very reliable interenet, Electricity and the banks having easy to use and stable software. We have NONE of that in the Bahamas.
It took BTC 3 months to fix our internet a few months back. What are we do to when that happens?. Still today the damn phones do not work either. Might as well call if "Broken Fiber"
Then one could say that is not too bad as nobody in Governement answers the phone anyway. And, if by chance that happens, the folks youneed to talk to are never in..

Then you have to have a smart phone or a computer. I refuse to use a smart phone as they are not safe. If stolen they can empty your accounts. The Old saying still applys. Dont' put the cart before the horse. Trying to make the Bahamas a firstst rate country with 3rd rate inferstructure.

Been 3 weeks trying to get NIB to correct our account that an employee screwed up 3 years ago. They know it and still I cannot get a TCC to import. Get real and smell the roses and stop the fantasy BS.