Comment history

Bigrocks says...

Well, can he give us the number of non-compliant folks that are non-compliant because of posting errors at NIB and other agencies? Thought they were all on computers. Nobody know how to use them or are the computers so slow it takes years for them to update the data?
Seems to me lots of folks are asleep at their government jobs even when they show up. Seems they know who everybody is but wait years to do again. A simple call from an agency could help a lot. But that is asking too much. And said here and many times, you cannot get them to answer their phones either. Even if you get things straight by going in by person, it still takes weeks and longer to get everything corrected. In the meantime, they block your imports. I guess after they bankrupt us all because of their foolish actions and being lazy, we can all go get "stay at home" checks.

Bigrocks says...

I think Mr. Wilsom should clean up the mess at NIB where it appears many folks have had posting errors by NIB staff that make companies non-compliant for no fault of thier own, Now, we cannot import to make a living until they clean up their mess nor get a letter saying we are compliant while they clean up internal accounting errors. and has messed up their reports going to the Inland Revenue and Customs. Great Management down there. So, been at this 3 weeks now and cannot get a TCC because of internal errors at NIB.

Bigrocks says...

Since all these folks are registered with either custom, inland revenue and NIB, why does it take so long for them to realize folks are pass due. Also, when they can easily see these things on their computers, why not call you. Then shut them down when there is a lousy excuse nor pending payment offered in 30 days? Guess that is too much work and would interfere with the solitaire games.

On Briland delinquency targeted in tax raids

Posted 31 March 2023, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

Ah the TCC. Ours was denied and now cannot import anything. Cause NIB said we were not compliant. Seems after 22 years of monthly payments, 1 was missed during Lockdown in 2020.
Reason, an NIB employee working from home fouled up the payment entry.

Think that an easy fix? Hell no. Will go down to NIB for the third time with the stamped C10, bank statement and canceled check. Seems you need some higher up to correct it. But they are never in office nor can be reached. Typical Government office where plenty of people work but cannot get anything doe but shut you down with ease!

Bigrocks says...

By the time all the lawyers get finished with this, no assets will be left for anyone else.

On FTX US chief bids to cut-off Bahamas

Posted 21 March 2023, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

Sounds like another BAMSI.

Bigrocks says...

well,if they know the 47% from thier records don't look right, go after them and leave the rest of us alone to try survive. Pure studip thinking and laziness arising by folks too dumb to know how to do a job properly.

Bigrocks says...

They are big into fiber. No techs, no service. 6 weeks now and cannot get a bad fiber hook up changed and corrected. URCA needs to investigate this mess and get off thier butts. Complaints, calls and emails are a waiste of time with btc. totaly unorganized. ceo should get canned and company sold off. It is a total mess

On BTC mishaps?

Posted 24 January 2023, 8:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

No sale nor purchase. Total collapse very soon.

Bigrocks says...

no surprise

On December delay for Village Road

Posted 22 September 2022, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal