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BiminiHomeowner says...

PLP continuously singing the praises of the one resort on Bimini that can't even keeps its doors open year-round. No development in the Bahamas has generated as much bad press as Bimini Bay, yet they are being allowed to do whatever they want by this administration.


On [img/photos/2012/10/08/christie_casino.jpg]

Posted 8 October 2012, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

Come to Bimini, almost 100% of the conch harvested here are undersized.

Defence Force could pull over ANY boat diving conch and they'd find the same thing this article talks about.

On Concern over harvesting of undersize conch

Posted 30 September 2012, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

For the record, we have still not heard anything from Nassau about this...

It's amazing that a letter signed by church leaders, fishing guides, scientists, and every hotel/resort except for one, asking to get this issue dealt with has been essentially ignored.

Yet the one foreign owned resort that didn't sign the letter seems to have no trouble getting all the attention they want from this Government, even though they are the one property on the island who can't even keep their doors open year-round.

On Seeking answers of protection of Bimini ecology

Posted 18 September 2012, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

Every major economy on the planet is developing plans to move away from oil as the base of their energy needs. Oil is risky, it is dirty, and it is finite.

For the Bahamas to consider risking their entire tourism industry for an industry that is that has so many negative aspects to it is unfathomable.

It is not a question of whether there will be a spill or not, it is a question of when and how bad?

BiminiHomeowner says...

Thank you for reporting on this important campaign for Bimini!

The leaders in Nassau have to protect the interests of the people that voted them into power, not just those select few foreigners who see this island as nothing more than 'real estate'.

BiminiHomeowner says...

Martin Luther King visited the mangroves that are now part of Bimini's MPA:…

It would be fantastic for the PLP to finalize the boundaries of this reserve, which was declared in December of 2008.

BiminiHomeowner says...

Calling anything that Bimini Bay has done "environmentally sustainable" is a horrendous misstatement.

The Tribune loses credibility every time they print one of these articles/advertisements for that development.

On Bimini Bay booming as home sales under way

Posted 9 August 2012, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

How about a story on the campaign to finalize Bimini's Marine Protected Area?…

Bimini's marine ecosystems already provide jobs to the people here. You could say that almost every single job on Bimini is in some way related to our marine ecosystems, since Bimini's beautiful waters are, and always have been, the base of our tourism industry.

Would be nice to see some reporting on the other aspects of Bimini, not just one developer.


Posted 8 August 2012, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

Where is the trash going to go from all these people?

Bimini has some of the most impressive tourism numbers for any Out-Island, but there is not the demand, nor the resources here, for an additional 1000 people per day.

Why does the Tribune seem so quick to publish anything that the Bimini Bay developers claim all of a sudden?? No one over here believes a word they say, why do you?

How about a story on the finalization of Bimini's Marine Protected Area? Only one developer wants "transform" Bimini, all the other resorts/hotels here want to improve upon what makes this place so great.…