Comment history

Bril says...

I totally agree with Mr. D' Aguilar that the exercise appeared to be quite silly. Give Bahamians any forum to vent and vent they will. Its seems as if that could have been better planned and better executed. In the end nothing was achieved there. The only thing that came out of that meeting was to show how mental our society really is. And he is right Cable Bahamas is perhaps entitled to an increase in fares after having it at the same rate for such a long time. Where I disagree with his assessment is an increase in fees with poor service is not acceptable. Cable Bahamas frequently has had on numerous occasions blacked out or lost channels without reason. Interruptions in internet service have also been problematic. There is never any compensation for it and the new digital boxes that have been forced on us are excessive in cost and many don't function well. So I have no trouble paying more. But if I am to pay more I expect more from customer service and technical support. I ordered a fight last year on pay per-view and would you believe the screen blacked out? I believe that there needs to be better consumer protection measures in this country. The utility companies in this country shaft us time and time again. BEC always have a problem and as a business owner who has to fight to keep a business open its unacceptable to me as a consumer. The same goes for the grocery stores.Things labeled incorrectly, some things overpriced either intentionally or by mistake. Who is protecting us the consumers in this country?

On Doubts over URCA integrity rejected

Posted 13 September 2012, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

When something that Mr. Stubbs doesn't agree with is written he takes the decision to remove them from the posting. It only goes to show that people associated with these organizations can't handle the truth. The BLTS has time and time again proven how silly it can be in its policy and Mr. Stubbs if you had any sense of duty to journalism you would investigate more thoroughly. But hey that's the way we roll in the Bahamas. Silence those who say what needs to be said.

On Mortimer removed from BLTA executive board

Posted 7 September 2012, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

So another one bites the dust at the BLTA. When Roger Smith was there it was an issue now Dentry has felt the wrath of these smarmy pretentious people. Not surprised though the BLTA has always consisted of people who think Bahamians should take a back seat to others with the so called "expertise." I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Roger coaching the young female American tennis player. You see Roger was good enough to become the National Coach for the USTA Female Player Development but not good enough for the BLTA. What a strange world we live in. But that's Bahamians for you. We can always see the good in others and not in ourselves.

On Dentry Mortimer

Posted 7 September 2012, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Well Mr. Moss you are spot on. I've said this for many years and people simply won't listen. The level of drinking in this country goes far beyond normal. It is a problem that has grave effect on crime, education, employment, family and good social sense. We really need to address these things.

On Alcohol destroying Bahamas

Posted 7 September 2012, 7:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Ruffin may not be the person but I found it quite amusing that Loretta Butler-Turner can only find a voice when it suits her. When Earl Deveaux rode in the Aga Khan's helicopter where was her objection? Or when the former PM Hubert Ingraham had his grandchildren and children rubbing shoulders with investors families. I would agree that no PM or cabinet minister should get to close to these people so as to compromise the position of the government in negotiations. Its a disgusting habit all our ministers seem to enjoy. We should really have some laws against it.

But what gets me is the short memory of some in this country. Both the FNM and PLP have ministers who love to travel, live, eat and drink at the expense of investors. That needs to stop. And Mrs. Butler-Turner would be better serving the Bahamian public if she addressed this issue as a whole. Her partisan rants are ridiculous and she should be far more measured in her approach and demeanor as deputy of a major political party in this country. But no, she always appears to have some bitter axe to grind.

Bril says...

Third World Country. We really need to do better. Everyone is on about 4G and all the new technology yet we can't sort out the basics. Calling around Nassau is a nightmare. All circuits are always busy. Lousy


Posted 7 September 2012, 7:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Mr. Maynard needs to get a life. Every minute he's in the paper running on with some nonsense. Mr. Ingraham should have learned 'to do unto others' in a decent manner. Whether it was the lowliest memeber of the house or the most esteemed there needs to be a level of respect. He didn't extend Mrs. Pratt and even some members of his own party the courtesy of sayinf farewell. So how could he expect the same? Mr. Ingraham set the tone in that chamber for rudeness and insults for years. So he should not feel any displeasure at not having the opportunity to say goodbye.

I'm of the opinion that he doesn't necessarily care anyway. So Mr. Maynard needs to stop brown nosing and pretending to be loyal. Its always the fanatics in these parties who can't see clearly. We have them in the PLP too so we can't get on any high horse. The fact is Mr. Ingraham never appears to show any genuine humility. The party was left in a shambles and true FNMs need to get serious and get rid of these jokers running the party. Will the real FNMs please stand up! Dr.Minnis is a nice guy but he's no politician and he certainly doesn't appear to be in command of the FNM. Anyhow, this is a matter for the FNM. But it was this same Charlie Maynard who was butting into PLP business and throwing jeers. So lets see what you can do to resurrect the FNM.

On ‘Disgrace’ over Ingraham farewell

Posted 20 July 2012, 5:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Now now. Lets be fair. Innocent until proven guilty. These types of cases are always difficult because its her word against his. He may very well have been unprofessional and harrassed this lady. But at the same time this woman may have an axe to grind. So who knows. One always has to be aware in the work place as to how we behave towards our colleagues and subordinates. Inappropriate behaviour should not be tolerated but we must also be careful to not create a culture of over sensitivity.

On 'Doctor fondled my breasts', court hears

Posted 29 June 2012, 8:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

First thing. Innocent until proven guilty. These are heinous acts of violence but we must be certain that these are the right men. Second, we need to stop treating Fox Hill like its some hotel for these criminals. If you are going to be incarcerated on the tax-payers dime I would suggest we demand that they be worked to the bone. Hard labour, building seawalls and the like. Two young men who will most likely be in jail for 20+ years sitting on their duffs doing nothing. Make them do back breaking work for being menaces to society. Third, put them in solitary for the first 6 months to 1 year. Let them think long and hard about their acts. None of this nonsense about mother and family visits etc.

These fellas in Fox Hill still getting fry fish and peas and rice delivered. They might as well be out and go down the road to get it themselves. No comforts for criminals. If it were up to me they would eat porridge for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and corn beef and white rice for dinner. No outside food and the comforts of daily living afforded to the rest of us who know how to behave in society.


Posted 28 June 2012, 2:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Ok now. Enough of the bull. Lets catch em and skin em. Dirt bags. There is the constant chant of xenophobia in this country. Yes, we have some home grown sickos. But why add to the crowd with foreign weirdos? Lets get this scum off our streets. Bahamian or foreign. Your acts are disgusting and I hope you get a good goosie in Fox Hill for it.

On Men suspected of raping a dozen women

Posted 26 June 2012, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal