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Bril says...

Funny I didn't hear Dion asking Mr. Ingraham to show charity when he did exactly the same 5 years ago. Many people were frustrated out of their jobs under the Ingraham administration. So he should get real and stop being disingenuous. Both parties have to wake and smell the roses. There are those who would sabotage and leak sensitive information to destroy the plans of the governing party. We need to get real and stop calling everything victimization. The fact is the Bahamian government doesn't owe you a job. Get up off your duff and go look for work. Many of the people on government jobs are political operatives anyway. There is no such thing as civil service in the Bahamas. We have what I call self service. There is no loyalty to the country and its people. Many of them serve their political masters and them alone. Its disgusting.

Bril says...

Another day, another report. Its starting to feel like these agencies have some vendetta against the Bahamas. We're on every list under the sun. I've always said we should just focus on getting our country right and not be too worried about these agencies. Because it doesn't seem that anything we do is right. Every decision seems to be judged and ridiculed by the U.S. and other rating agencies. This from a country who has more trafficking across the US/Mexican border in one hour than the Bahamas has in one year. Boy I tell yah.

On Chinese say US report is 'groundless'

Posted 21 June 2012, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

I agree. This story doesn't add up. So all this happened in the house and nobody else saw or heard anything? How did the intruder gain entry? Where is her room in relation to the others? How did the intruder know exactly which room to enter? Anyway lets pray for this country to have some peace.

Bril says...

Interesting. So why was my post removed from this article? There was no violation of discussion rules. Makes you wonder.

Bril says...

Same nonsense every four years. When will the BOC get it together? Weeks before the games we have to be scrapping for such a large sum of money. We know the games are every four years. So why can't there be better planning? I could see them being short some money. But to be short that kind of money simply makes no sense a few short weeks before the games.

Bril says...

Perhaps the media should be more fair, balanced and no bull. I don't recall Mr. Nunez in one article being critical of the former government. Put up or shut up. I guarantee you that if I were to show 100 articles from certain media houses over a period to a person who knows nothing of Bahamian politics they would see that there is a bias in coverage of political parties and social events. Its ok to be bias, but at least be honest about it. We all know fox, cnn, msnbc, even the BBC with is so called independence has a certain social and political slant. Al-Jazeera tops them all as far as I'm concerned.

The problem with the Bahamian press is that it disguises itself in fairness and balance when it is truly everything but. Mr. Nunez has every right to respond to the ministers. But he also must agree that the press in this country leaves a lot to be desired.

On Don't mess with the press

Posted 18 June 2012, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

For a long time I've been saying that we have a problem communicating with each other and dealing with our emotions. Many women in this country fuel these arguments between men. I have witnessed many an argument in clubs over women. These have often turned into a brawl in the club or spilled out onto our streets. But women cannot be solely blamed in these matters.

We men need to learn to catch a hold of our emotions. I have always said and will say again. Bahamian fellas can't handle rejection. If a gal rejects you just simply move on. No need to cuss her out and act the fool. I understand its hard for the guys in relationships with these hot gals because some of these guys spend all the small change they earn treating these girls. Then the girl runs off with another fella and laughs at you. But killing the next fella or hurting her don't make an ounce of sense. Anyway lets keep praying that people would use good judgement in these situations.

On Shot in row over woman

Posted 18 June 2012, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

This is a good initiative and if people would think about it before jumping to conclusions then they would see where it could be beneficial. A standard requirement would even the playing field so to speak. There is no measuring stick to assess each school and the BGCSE we know has done a poor job of providing that assessment. The reason being, because some schools allow their students to take only some of the BGCSE exams. In other words some take only English papers or Art without having to take Math. The child still graduates even not having taken the Math. Having a government standard removes the autonomy of schools to decide who takes what. As far as I'm concerned the schools have failed us. These new age principals have for the past 15 years or so just been putting out under performing students and seem to be comfortable with it. I say do it. It doesn't take the place of the BGCSE but it ensures that students are fulfilling the necessary requirements inclusive of the BGCSE. Personally I believe several hours of community service should be a requirement to graduate. Perhaps even some required hours of work apprenticeship. Let us stop tearing things down and start to see how things can work for our little country.

Bril says...

Wow what a response this has evoked. Immigration issues definitely strike a cord with Bahamians but we have been too afraid to deal with it. There are some hard truths that we must face and the sooner we do the better for the country. The reason we have this problem with permits etc is because we have no clear immigration policy. Every new minister wants to do it different to show they're doing something. Mr. Gibson has a point that cannot be overlooked. We have companies mainly banks that bring in foreigners under the radar. Everyone is looking at the Haitian or Jamaican as an illegal migrant. But we overlook the people who come in suits and ties. A few things come to my mind when I think about this. The first is, we have have a disjointed and woefully disorganized department of immigration. Second, that immigration for the Bahamas just like any other country is an emotional issue that plays on the fears of people. Third, like other countries we need immigration but there must be a controlled process that creates the right social and economic balance.

The problem that I have with Bahamian ministers in this and previous governments is this very public, aggressive stance that they take. It doesn't look good and it shows the lack of diplomacy that ministers have. We have international partners and companies that have done well for the Bahamas and Bahamians. We need to be careful how we handle issues. When there is tension it is often better to use a nuanced approach to achieve your objective. Lets setup a system that is fair and timely. When the law is breached let us deal with it appropriately and in a timely manner. That is how we show the companies that we mean business. Not by issuing a big warning in the media that gives the appearance that the government is inflexible.

Bril says...

I knew this issue would arise sooner or later. **ConcernedCitizen** and I had this discussion a few weeks back when Bell first opened his mouth. I thought the appointment was a bad idea for the very reason the Leader of the Opposition mentioned. Even if there isn't interference by Mr. Bell this thing is all about appearances. Anyway lets hope these folks can all work together to get crime down. That's the most important issue at the moment. Even for me, who doesn't believe he should have been placed in such a role I can overlook it for now as long as they get the job done.

But Bell needs to stay out of the media and focus on the task at hand. Let the results speak for you. I hope they read these discussions. Many of them like to say they don't pay attention to the media but you can often times get the pulse of the people by doing so. Yes there are a few die hard supporters for both major parties that frequent these discussions and their views are bitterly biased. But for those of us that are more balanced and not so dogmatic in our approach you can learn a lot.

On Police alarm over bell appointment

Posted 14 June 2012, 5:19 a.m. Suggest removal