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Bril says...

Good points Arob. One thing I must say though a return to Literature is a good idea. I had no idea it wasn't in the current curriculum. Literature really makes you analyze things and really understand situations in context. There is a lot of hyperbole and paradox in literature that challenges kids to think. In combination with Math and English I think Literature is a good start. Does anyone remember Animal Farm? In recent years I think high school literature courses have begun using Caribbean texts like 'The Pearl.' Anyway its a good start but the entire structure of our education system must be overhauled.

Bril says...

There is no big deal really. The point that I'm making though is that when you make false claims regarding science to support a moral argument then you need to have the evidence to support it. In this case Mr. Moncur described the OCP as a cancer causing drug. This is not the case. Now all the feminine blow back from Ms. Nicholls and whoever else that's their business.

Now however you may feel morally its your business and no one has the right to tell you how to feel. But it is quite dangerous and stupid to make false claims regarding heath care. For example there was a case in the UK where a doctor falsified research that said that autism was linked to childhood vaccinations. It sent people into a panic and subsequently there was a decline in parents wanting to vaccinate their kids. As a result there was a rise in childhood infections and an increase in associated complications. As we know rumors can race through the Bahamas like a wild fire. And you would be surprised how easily something like this can catch on and take root. Next thing you know we'll be seeing babies popping out left right and center.

Bril says...

Yep, and there goes the discussion. Politics has to be brought in to suit the people out there who can't seem to frame arguments on there own. In response to Mynameis you are spot on. We as a country have some concerns of quality that we need to address. But I believe that we need to stay away from making them political tools. Perhaps women groups can do a series of events to better address these issues. I think for the most part many people do not understand the issues. But like Mr. Moncur, they hear a little bit of information and the issue is perceived totally out of context.

Bril says...

To carry Dr. Turnquest's comments even further. It has actually been proven that OCPs reduce the risk of cervical cancers and other cancers of the female genitourinary system. So Mr. Moncur is wrong wrong wrong. It goes to show how reading a little information can lead to some dangerous and stupid comments. Often times people only read snippets of information or they hear bits of information and they let it rip. As Dr. Turnquest so correctly notes, Moncur is talking about unopposed estrogen OCP that were made in days gone by. They are no longer in use. Modern contraceptives have the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The progesterone acting in opposition to the estrogen creates the correct hormonal balance.

On a moral note, Mr. Moncur needs to catch some sense. Again we are a bunch of hypocrites in this country. The amount of philandering, abusive men in this country is to numerous to count. Yet Moncur says nothing in that regard. Who made you the moral police anyway?

Bril says...

Yer but CC I didn't hear any outcry when Desmond Bannister made his recent accusations about the government getting money from number houses. Such a lop-sided business this thing called politics can be. The FNM makes accusations and I believe the PLP or any other party has the right to defend itself. Mr. Rollins is not a cabinet minister. He is a back bencher and he should defend himself and his party. His comments have no bearing on the governments ability to do its job. I really wonder sometimes where Bahamians learned to 'reason.' In other words his commentary is not a variable that alters the performance of the government. So what he says should be either here nor there when it comes to the assessment of the government. Then there is the poster who says there is 'vain' commentary being thrown around. Isn't the FNM just throwing around so called 'vain' comments as well? Bannister making claims, Thompson making claims, Charlie Maynard making claims. The only two people in that party who look like they can keep shut is the leader and the deputy leader. Oppose for sensible reasons. Not just to get your name in the papers. I've said it many times posting on this forum I am a PLP and quite critical of the party as is seen in many of my previous posts. I call a spade a spade. What gets me about FNMs is that they always appear to be so self righteous. The FNM never does anything wrong it seems. A party that the people rejected yet it still upholds this sense that it is somehow ethically or morally superior. Many FNMs need to get off their high horse. Both parties have some serious dirty laundry. So please let us not go down that road.

Bril says...

True CC, but I think Mr. Thompson is a bit premature in his criticism of the new government. He talks of wanting action, but he must being talking rhetoric for want of finding something to oppose. It is unrealistic for to expect significant change in just over 1 month in office. I wouldn't expect it from the FNM if they were in office. Bahamians really have to be sensible and measured in their response to things. I blame these politicians on both sides for fanning flames unnecessarily. Encourage our people to think and stop muddying the waters with stupid comments. That goes for you too Mr. Bell. You having too much to say already.

Bril says...

See this is what gets me with the PLP yah know. Why is Bradley responding to this? As a citizen of this country I want to know why the vehicles were kept in such poor condition? Also if and when the new vehicles were ordered before the general election. I also wonder if we are purchasing the right type of vehicle for these ministers? These gas guzzling Fords we buy are really too old fashion. How about some slick fuel efficient cars?

I ask the current government to table the documents showing the purchase order of the vehicles before the election. This is where the PLP falls down. We allow the media to write nonsense and don't retaliate with clear evidence to shut them down. Please give us the evidence. But what I don't get is how these cars get so run down. Don't they get regularly serviced? I would have assumed that all cabinet minister vehicles are serviced and maintained on a schedule. It just goes to show how we Bahamians don't know how to keep nothing. At a tough time like this $750,000 is a lot of money to spend on Cabinet vehicles. I can't see how the former government ordered these vehicles knowing the tight financial spot the country is in.

On PLP chairman rejects claim of new cars

Posted 31 May 2012, 4:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Come on now CC. he is the Foreign Minister and that's what Foreign Ministers do. They travel to represent the interest of their country. If the FNM won I think we still would have sent someone. So lets not play politics on this one. Also if you know Al Sears well you would know that this man is into the history and development of the African Diaspora. When he was a professor in New York he was the Chair of one of the organizations that dealt with these matters. I think he went there on his own dime and of his own interest. Look into it a little further or ask around. But what I know of him, he is deeply into developing stronger economic and cultural ties between the African states and the Caribbean in general.

Bril says...

The FNM will be ok. I'm sure they will raise the funds over the next few years. The PLP went through the same thing in 2007. They even owed the BPC quite a bit of money for ads. All parties go through this type of thing. But I don't think either party could ever cry one side had more money and that's why they won. The FNM has traditionally had backing from the Eastern Road families and the PLP has had most of its funds from the 'nouveau riche' as it were of Bahamian society. Let us not forget the foreign interests that have funded both sides in the past. Some campaign seasons are just financially tougher than others.

On New FNM leader Minnis hits out at PLP

Posted 30 May 2012, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On Nightclub bloodbath

Posted 30 May 2012, 8:23 a.m.