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C_MonMan says...

You park your car almost anywhere in the world and leave your cell phone, which is as good as cash, visible you are either not very sharp or inviting someone to break your glass and take your phone. It's similar to leaving money on your dashboard. C'Mon Tribune, let's not feed into the silly season.

On DNA chairman's car broken into

Posted 6 May 2012, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

@TalRussell, typically I would enjoy your posts for the comic relief that it provides, however, it seem to me that you and your PLP leaders having dismally lost the substantive arguement of who is best to govern the Bahamas over the next 5 years are now desparately employing the same ametuerish debating tricks of exaggeration, personal attacks, generalisations, manufactured conspiracies and drawing unfounded and false conclusions.

The PM has a job to do and journalist and reporters have jobs to do. The principle duty and obligation of responsible reporting and journalism is to present full, complete and unbiased coverage and information. When it is obvious and clear that a reporter, who has a well documented history of bias, has not fact checked her sources and is being used as an instrument of propaganda, the PM will always be well advised to respond in a measured and responsible manner, which he did. This story is all about nothing my friend, it's over.

C_MonMan says...

@TalRussell, you remind me of the comedic Iraqi Minister of Information during the second Gulf War, who as the Americans had already toppled Saddam's statue and were eminently marching on Baghdad went on TV providing comedy shouting quotes like " I triple guarantee you there are no American soliders within 100 miles of Baghdad. "We have them surrounded in their tanks" and "We will roast their stomachs". He was always a good laugh during that war. Likewise, your comedic posts have provided us with good laughs during this election, because you can't be serious.

C_MonMan says...

Calling this an exit poll is close to if not exceeding the bounds of responsible journalism. C'Mon Tribune.

C_MonMan says...

Like they say in poker, BPC goes "All in" and in essence has converted it's legal position with respect to their belief that once certain condition precedents are met their licence renewal is automatic to a political position. I predict the government would refute renewing such licences momentarily and then BPC would have successfully foisted itself front and center in these elections.

Don't know who is advising them, but my guess is that they are hoping that this upsets the equilibrium and make a PLP victory more likely. For their sake, they better hope that they are right.

On Oil licences spark debate

Posted 2 May 2012, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

@BigD1, I agree. C'Mon Tribune this may sell a few more newspapers but let's move on from this, please. i would also advise the PM to do the same thing.

On None

Posted 30 April 2012, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

So sad!

On None

Posted 30 April 2012, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

@dpratt, you claim the Tribune readers are mean and disrespectful, however, in your very next sentence you disparage all Bahamians by asking, "what else can you expect from a country where even the PM has no class". I guess your disparaging statement is not mean and disrespectful? Judge not lest you be judged.

C_MonMan says...

Wow. This debacle really saddens me. It was a stroke of brillance by the PM to use this footage, and I am sure he also knew that the PLP would take the bait and overreact. And, overreact they did. Let's pray that over the next eight days all of us will conduct ourselves in a manner that would make us proud to be Bahamians, especially our politicians and their followers.

C_MonMan says...

I am often puzzled by those in our society who on the one hand can actually praise and even celebrate this boorish and undisciplined behaviour by our so called educated political leaders with "way to go Simba" and then on the other hand chastise and blame the government when the less educated or more implusive amongst us take this same boorish behaviour to the next level and physically hurt each other or some other innocent person. Elementally it's all the same behavior and it is short-sighted and irrational to praise one group and abhor the other. In fact, in a functional society, our adults and leaders have a duty to set the proper example in spoken and unspoker decorum and behaviour for the rest of that society. Until we as Bahamians mature beyond our fatalistic attachment and attraction to the boorish and crude political prototype and leader we as a society will have a difficult time living up to our full potential or effectively confronting our social ills like crime and other bad behaviour.

On Party leaders in shouting match

Posted 25 April 2012, 9:14 p.m. Suggest removal