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C_MonMan says...

Very mature gentlemen, very mature. Both of you are displaying the exact behavior that have this country in it's current social state and behavior that we should implore our children to avoid at all cost. I hope that after this next election, we would have seen the last of all three of these self-centered, egotistical and power hungry party leaders making room for more thoughtful, informed, focused and compassionate persons to assume greater leadership roles in our country.

On Party leaders in shouting match

Posted 25 April 2012, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

The Governor-General is now negotiating, creating energy policy for the government and committing the Bahamas and a HAI government to contracts. That is laughable. The PM has issued a statement that fully rebuffs this fairy tale nonsense to say that there will be no drilling under his government. It would same to me, at least from this and other articles, that the positions of the DNA and PLP are similar in that they both would allow drilling now, whereas the PM has stated clearly that there would be no drilling under an FNM government. The PLP issued the licenses, the FNM implemented the moratorium and has stated that no drilling under the FNM government will be allowed. The DNA and PLP may believe that oil may spur economic growth for the Bahamas, but once again it would appear to me that the FNM has taken a more prudent approach that considers both the economic growth impact and the potential negative impact on the environment leading them to implement the current moratorium.

On Call for government to come clean on oil

Posted 24 April 2012, 5:57 a.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

If the current times were not so serious I would just laugh at the jokes. However, the current times are just too serious to turn a blind eye on the folly that has become the DNA. Maybe their time will come, but in my view it is just not now. Also, it certainly does not help that neither the leader or any other follower have given the slightest clue that they have even a passing and surface knowledge of the underlying issues. One must bear the cross before one wears the crown my friend. This thing ain't no joke or looking pretty and smiling contest.

C_MonMan says...

Just pathetic and sad the state of Bran and the DNA these days. The more he speaks the more people realise the transparent shallowness of this guy. Unconscious incompetence is a very, very dangerous thing and even more so in a politician. The world has alraedy experienced far too many of them.

C_MonMan says...

I repeat this, in my opinion, is not news. A high school seventh grader have both access to and can repeat and recite readily accessible and publicly available information about unemployment numbers and statistics. This is not what I expect from my potential political leaders. What would be news would be an intelligent and mature analysis of these facts and their implications. Maybe this is expecting too much. In fact, for the record, with just a cursory analysis of these 30,000 work permits one would note that the overwhelming majority of these work permits are temporary short term work permits (as short as a few days) relating to visits of persons from head offices of multi-national companies operating from the Bahamas or persons with specific skills or expertise who are employed on a short term basis by Bahamian companies and other non-profit organisations. I can go on and explain the implications of this and other issues like the structure and nature of unemployment in the Bahamas but I am really not trying to be negative on the DNA but just noting that it is not as simple as not issuing work permits and that would put a significant dent into unemployment.

On DNA takes exception to Tribune headline

Posted 21 April 2012, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

Tribune can you please cover some meaningful news. I am tired of reading about Bran and these other DNA guys making these immature, uninformed and stupid statements and then trying to retract and deflect responsibilty for having made the statements.The very same thing happened with the marital rape law issue and the issue with Edison Key. This is not news.

On DNA takes exception to Tribune headline

Posted 20 April 2012, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

Well Bran that sounds like a challenge to me. Bran wanted a debate and it now appears that he has at least one taker. As the incumbent MP, he should step up and debate Mr. Butler on issues relating to Bamboo Town before asking for a debate from PC or HAI.

C_MonMan says...

I don't know which world S Poitier and Bran are living in but the rest of the world is moving toward free trade and globalisation yet these fellas still looking backwards and talking about protectionist policies. This unstructured dribble is what you would expect to hear from a high school senior or a college freshman and not from someone hoping to be the PM. Open an economics 101 book my friend and while you at it try talking to someone on the unique characteristics of the Bahamain economy. Then come back with some observations and issues that are not self-evident with some possible policy initiatives that are not mutually exclusive. Leaders lead from the front and not by focus groups or polling. We already had 5 years of councils, committees and focus groups to decide every issue under the previous PLP government.

C_MonMan says...

PC must not have any mirrors in his house because it is hard to imagine him actually looking into a mirror and not either breaking out laughing or crying at some of the nonsense that comes out of his mouth. He can't be serious with this one. He was the PM in the most properous times the world had ever seen and he still found a way to be voted out of office. C'Mon Man let's get serious, if you wanna win this thing.

On Christie calls Ingraham 'worst ever PM'

Posted 16 April 2012, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

Come on Mr. Bowe, let's stop the madness. Are these businesses able to determin their revenues and expenses before, during and after the road works. It ain't that complicated homeboy, unless you are trying to defraud.