Comment history

CaptainCoon says...

The Apes and Chimpanzees are at it again!

On $7m overspend on sports events

Posted 18 April 2024, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

The Government breaks the law the most!
The Negro government knows no better!


On FNM claims govt broke law on finance

Posted 10 April 2024, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

He will NOT be doing this again!

CaptainCoon says...

To be fair, Sears mislead the public on BPL as well!

Can't trust these troglodytes!
drain the swamp!

CaptainCoon says...

It IS a failed state.


CaptainCoon says...

contrary to your libtard propaganda, inflation directly relates to EU and US sanctions on Russia which has seen fuel prices soar in Europe and everywhere. Now much of Europe is in recession thanks to these failed policies... that are the directive of the Biden Crime Family.

I can't wait for Trump to return and get Sleepy Joe out of Office along with his crack smoking son!


On Biden has been bad for Bahamas

Posted 6 March 2024, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

The primates are back at it again!

Miller knows that more darling contracts are headed his way and money will flow like the waters under the glass window bridge.

Nation of conchs!

CaptainCoon says...

Typical ape move. They always chimp out and line their pockets. If BPL can be privatised and turn a profit, then it can be run without this deal and be in the green. As long as there is no political interference.

But when the Monkeys run the show, the jungle always wins!

On BPL workers: We feel betrayed

Posted 5 March 2024, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

That's how it's done!

CaptainCoon says...

The monkeys are back at it again!