Comment history

Casino105 says...

To all who have been there, if it wasn't for the locals going to see the hotel there would be no one there. I was there last night and there were just a very small group of tourists in the hotel. The casino was empty everyone that was working was bored out of there minds. The shops that are open have no one looking in them. The restaurants were mostly filled with locals. There is nothing great about this hotel, one would think that it would match atlandtis but it's not close. Not a thing to do for the kids. In Las Vegas this would be a 3rd rate hotel. As much as I don't won't to say this, it will never survive. Everything cost too much and the value isn't there. And everyone who said the Chinese would come , wrong, there are places closer and cheaper than this. The white elephant will be there forever.

Casino105 says...

Christie talks in circles. Now it's his lawyers who told him to seal the agreement. He's not to blame. There is not a reason in the business world why this agreement can't be made public. There are no other parties involved, so no competition to gain anything from this. At the news conference he said , in a few days the details will be made public. The next day he's at the court sealing the documents. So, overnight his lawyers made this decision . It's apparent he gave the Chinese things he doesn't want the Bahamian people to know about. He thinks this will help him with the election, but the people are on to his way of miss leading them. It's over Mr. Christie, after this there is nothing left to give away, to the Chinese, is there?

On PM: No secrecy over Baha Mar

Posted 26 August 2016, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Casino105 says...

Nothing has changed. Not one word stating the real truth. Will the contractors be paid 100 %? What else did he give the chineses, I don't know if the Bahamas has anything left for the people. The problem still exists that no one is going to buy this place, the ratio of debt is to high to make a,profit , if even pay the mortatage. Don't forget , he said they would pay some of the electric bill, not all of it. How nice is that , when I have to pay all of mine. Just more talk to cover things up.