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ChaosObserver says...

Bit late for this type of action by christie and his cronies isn't it? Damn! takes tons of murders before this government starts taking things serious....2nd world nation trying really hard to be a 3rd....

On Court must now consider the safety of victims

Posted 18 September 2014, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

the criminals pay their criminal lawyers who then become our politicians and these now politicians keep taking their money...regardless of what crimes they do.....criminal justice here is a joke. courts are a joke. politicians are a joke. country is a laughing stock to the rest of the world...but that's the way the politicians and "power families" want it....maintain status que and things stay the same...their kingdoms are safe.....thus the cycle continues...

On Dead man was relative of victim in murder case

Posted 18 September 2014, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Now if they could just pass a pedophile law to keep the preachers away from children then there would be some advancement...but instead they focus on gambling...which majority benefit from either directly or indirectly.....double standards and split tongue liars...

On Christian Council hits back at Christie

Posted 17 September 2014, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Environmental in bahamas means nothing! It's a "do nothing" topic simply because the people and government (majority of them) don't give a damn about the's always "someone else's" problem.....

ChaosObserver says...

Here is link to AOS site for people interested in voicing their concerns and contacting the organization. At the bottom of the page is a link to the directory of people. Also they are on Facebook is link. for those interested in holding the government accountable!

ChaosObserver says...

they work at trying to NOT work.....lazy bunch of A** holes.....the labor unions are just there to fund their own pockets off the fees from their members....

On Do you support the TUC strike action?

Posted 15 September 2014, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

If Perry spoke i'm sure there were more deaths too at the funeral as he usually bores everyone to death with his long winded, meandering, pointless speeches...Guess now he'll start taking crime seriously.....doubt it....

On PM pays tribute to murdered aide

Posted 15 September 2014, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

narrow mined minions....Nassau needs updating and renovation of the slums downtown that are called retail stores. The tourists will come and actually enjoy the area instead of staying on the ships (which means more $ spent)....(once crime is finally addressed)....thinking that foreign investments (regardless of where they come from-China, DR, Germany, UK, etc) is narrow minded, little thinking 7 year olds and limits the opportunities this nation has. Thinking that "we can do it on our own" is outdated thinking and mindset of the 60's and before. Look at any progressive nation (Belize, Dominican as two I've visited) and you will see they welcome foreign revitalizes the area, brings in needed/wanted jobs and increases tourism (in case anyone has forgotten tourism is our major income source!!!!). And beside, what bahamian is available/willing to step up and invest in downtown anyway? I've yet to see any willing and/or able to do quit your baby antics!

ChaosObserver says...

VAT, even confusing to the idiots wanting/trying to implement....just wait till the date it is implemented, it will look like a keystone cops movie......

On Gov't VAT error slammed as 'downright ignorance'

Posted 15 September 2014, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Well, just shows that you can get work down with less'm that strike and rehire those that WANT to work....Unions=bottom feeding self serving elite. Union leaders feed off the fears and dues of their members and thus their "need" to flex their muscles to employers is to just try and show their importance....which is only for themselves....they could care less about the average everyday Bahamian....