Comment history

ChaosObserver says...

Time for another company/person to run this power company!

On Weekly payments agreed after threat to disconnect

Posted 22 September 2014, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

So let me understand this....we have a politician that is speaking up against his party leaders for his constituents, and the "Party Leaders" are disappointed in him? So apparently this hitler run government says there cannot be any discontent within the ranks?....well guess what dumb A**, that's what our representative are supposed to do.....not fall "lock step" into your hitler mindset. Wake up PM Christie (and others), a government is supposed to represent its people. Not represent the party line to each other......grow a set of balls and stand on your own politicians! The next time i meet one of these so called politicians I just want to beat his/her A** in the ground....

On PM disappointed in Rollins

Posted 20 September 2014, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

hahaha...“We are getting a good deal with these engines and they will get us ready for Baha Mar. We need to move now; we cannot wait until another emergency situation and then not have adequate supply. That is why we are moving forward with this and we will do whatever it takes......" you dumb boy! Just NOW getting ready for Baha Mar? Really....what a bunch of delinquent, uneducated fools trying to be business men...taking our money and acting like they are doing us a favor....Freaking hate this SOB...

On BEC to spend $6m on new generators

Posted 20 September 2014, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

He needs to pull his head out of his A** and get in touch with this community.....

ChaosObserver says...

Mr. Foot and Mouth Disease.....lies.....

ChaosObserver says...

First the USA now Canada.....who next? Germany? UK? Somehow politicians don't get it....or care......


Posted 19 September 2014, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

duh....corruption? no. here? no way......apparently the govt officials just found out what the rest of the country knows and lives with...

ChaosObserver says...

Welcome to the real world woman!

On Car stolen from yard of FNM deputy leader

Posted 18 September 2014, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

If bahamians would expect more and demand more, they might listen...but then again, govt only listens to their own!

On Court must now consider the safety of victims

Posted 18 September 2014, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

hopefully that means faster service and better attitudes of those hired.....never gotten a fast meal or good service no matter which one's i've gone to.....pitiful service....but hey, that's the bahamas, right? high prices and such A** service...

On Burger King adds 61 jobs

Posted 18 September 2014, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal