Comment history

ChaosObserver says...

IT is odd that in a country that depends so much on tourist (aka customer service) to keep people coming back has such dismal, low brow customer service. Go to any other country that is dependent on tourism, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Turks and Caico, etc and you get treated with respect, courtesy, understanding...and people don't make one feel they are "bothering" the person that is supposed to be providing services....I regularly have to interrupt a person to get service at restaurants, bars, etc....thus i spend most of my monies in other countries.....

On Behaviours that do a disservice

Posted 27 July 2014, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Apparently you have no idea about the logistical timelines about opening a large company or resort takes. Yes you get people graduated. Yes you get the on the payroll....doing whatever is needed to do. Yes you open a resort. But you don't hire everyone BEFORE you ramp up to the numbers you need and put people in the jobs they are hired for as well as recently hired people. And hiring ALL presently unemployed bahamians is just plain laughable....ignorance more like it....there aren't enough skilled bahamians to fill all the slots....Seeing baha mar as the "saviour" of the Bahamas is ignorance gone amuck...short sightedness and stupid. Blame Bahamian politicians for once, as they keep everyone uneducated, ignorant and shortsighted, as well as yourselves for not being employable....

On No relief for residents

Posted 27 July 2014, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Funny how people can immediately pay bills when they are threatened with power cuts...yet can't seem to have any money when no one holds them accountable....hmm, makes you wonder....

ChaosObserver says...

cause he won't/can't be bought that's why!

ChaosObserver says...

There is nothing that is considered "secured" here if it's guarded by's just "Pending disappearance"....

ChaosObserver says...

Another example of stupidity gone amuck when you have government involved with utilities...or for that matter...ANY Business enterprise!

ChaosObserver says...

Just another example of an "out-of-touch" PM....I guess if you "say it enough" one starts believing their own lies....

ChaosObserver says...

I'm surprised there hasn't already been shooting of politicians! Time to bring some justice to this country of thieving politicians!

On VAT is added to BEC bills

Posted 24 July 2014, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

They forget they work FOR us, not the other way around!....except for some of the "bright spots" such as Messrs Jones and Cunningham the whole messy place should be blown up

ChaosObserver says...

Having spent quite a bit of time in the horse industry and also therapy centers in another country, I've NEVER heard of an owner having to PAY people that are using the owners horses for a business/charity etc! absurd! Absolutely A** backwards! IF anything, BASH should be leasing the horses from the owner! But as usual, things work backwards here. We can expect BASH will drag this out (already been 5 yrs) and the horses will be neglected more, and then a law suit will be pending and then, he'll give them back...all with a puzzled look on his face as to why this all happened.....