Comment history

ChaosObserver says...

Since the Bahamian Government won't encourage farmers to grow crops and give them opportunities, it's great to see private industry working with these farmers to resuscitate a dying industry and a way of life for so many.....keep up the great work Melia, Chiccharney Farms, Lucayan Farms! Grow in spite of the short sighted government agencies!!!! In every forward thinking country, being self sufficient is necessary for economic stability and growth, reduced cost of living (for eating), export etc.....

ChaosObserver says...

unions! Every country that has unions end up with a strangle hold on their necks, as these thieves are feeding off the monies/fears/compliance of their members just to support their own high living and wants/desires.....

On Pinder: My union will not join strike

Posted 22 July 2014, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

unions! Every country that has unions end up with a strangle hold on their necks, a sue these thieves are feeding off the monies/fears of their members just to support their own high living and wants/desires.....

On Pinder: My union will not join strike

Posted 22 July 2014, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Crap the PM must be a Rhodes Scholar by now! All at the expense of Bahamians. And yes we can see that he's "priming the pump" to say he's going to run again in election.....mark my words......and to state that the employment is up etc apparently he's mixing his own cool-aid and drinking it...cause that's a lie...ball faced lie!!! But some will believe this buffoon......

On PM: I will learn from mistakes

Posted 22 July 2014, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

unions. Outdated. Not needed. getting paid off others peoples work. Demanding people join them. Anti-progress. Every union that ever has existed does so for it's own fill their own pockets with money members pay.....all should burn....

ChaosObserver says...

How come this news isn't front page material!!! Oh, yeah, it's not important to us...

On IMF cuts Bahamas growth almost 50%

Posted 21 July 2014, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Anyone that knows Nygard has heard him say or/or imply he can get anything he wants or things done for others....he already "OWNS" this island.....He's just nice enough to let Christie "think" he's running it.....

ChaosObserver says...

Agree...but our courts will never be free from political interference and/or appointments.....unfortunately Bahamian culture (at this point) is all about hiding and no confrontation.....

ChaosObserver says...

The Christie Administration, the Attorney General, the Cabinet, everyone associated with this matter has handles this whole matter "abysmally"....without honor or regard for the Bahamian people and companies.

ChaosObserver says...

the boy's smoking his own crack....