Comment history

ChaosObserver says...

Living on the water on Cable Beach I can attest to the DAILY irresponsible acts by jet ski operators! Their loose handling of the machine as well as close proximity riding to swimmers has already resulted in one woman being hit and numerous others having "close calls" (me included) by these idiots! I regularly reprimand them but to no avail....they could care less! What county (I'm being sarcastic) would allow water operators to not have oversight, insurance, etc? oh yeah, the Bahamas...cause they could care less about the safety of it's people....Then add on to this list of issues, the fact that a fair number of them are trafficking in drugs and you have the perfect storm for all types of mischief and danger! I tell all my guest NEVER to rent jet skies when they visit!.....just hope Baha Mar when they open will have their own jet ski operators that will conduct business in a more responsible manner...cause the one's now doing it SUCK!

ChaosObserver says...

when will bahamians, africans, etc quit using "racism' as a crutch for their lack of success, achievements, social advancement etc? It's the same old same old was our ancestors, YOU/US! We are the ones that are living's a new world...get over it!!! Move on....grow up, mature.....

On Dr Julius Garvey addresses COB

Posted 14 November 2014, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

so what are you against here? Accountability or fiscal responsibility? or the calling out of corrupt individuals?

ChaosObserver says...

Wait a this the same buffoon that said the following in another article here?"

"fnm chairman Darron Cash yesterday criticised Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells for choosing to “break his silence” on the Stellar Waste to Management letter of intent controversy during a time when the nation is in mourning."

We got no time for this foolishness...

ChaosObserver says...

there is alway "less press" on such issues when people are distracted by things like death..thus it's the perfect time to speak out.....still did not address the issue of "why" though...just following lock step with the party.....comedic politicians...

On Wells slammed and told ‘not good enough’

Posted 14 November 2014, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

wow, what a novel idea....not being solely dependent on one industry to support an economy....(sic)....wonder where they came up with that idea? haha...and you can seriously doubt that these workers will be "rehired" by Baha Mar! They didn't meet the level of service this place is expecting from it's workers.....hopefully Baha Mar will keep expecting higher levels of service from their employers so Bahamas can compete on a worldwide level like dubai, las vegas, etc.....

On Bahamas must 'cast its net beyond tourism'

Posted 13 November 2014, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

He needs to read the contract with Baha Mar, maybe he'll learn something....and realize that companies are requiring more from their Bahamian union workers than just showing up for work with a hand out for a paycheck. Hopefully Baha Mar will break these stupid unions here in Bahamas everyone knows he's just positioning for the people of Bahamas to "think" he's working for them....which is a lie...

ChaosObserver says...

Too bad he doesn't know what he's talking about....maybe he should read the heads of agreement between the govt and Baha Mar....(oh, yeah, forgot, he's not too keen on reading the details....), just spouting off without any thought...

On PM brands 190 Crystal Palace lay-offs 'unfair'

Posted 13 November 2014, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Let the bribing begin....

On Bidding begins on second cellular licence

Posted 13 November 2014, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Hit a crane? Really? Pilot error or crane operator/owner error? Sad loss of life....hopefully investigations turn up who was at fault.....