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ChaosObserver says...

the question still stands "of how a company/hotel etc" actually gets these stamps and pays their taxes. The government has been very good at shuck and jive about this with retailers....

On Hotels contravene Excise Stamp law

Posted 10 November 2014, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Excellent article.....maybe should be required reading for every employee that was laid off from Baha Mar, so they understand what employers are looking and demanding in workers in todays world....but then again, so many Bahamians don't want to be pulled into the modern era of work....but we can hope and dream....

ChaosObserver says...

Of course these cries come from the union! Who only want people to pay their dues to support a sinking organization. When will people here realize that companies (Baha Mar, Atlantis, etc) are starting to demand more professionalism, courtesy, timeliness, from their workers...just like in EVERY other country in the hospitality industry. Just because the Bahamas benefits from the luxury of being situation in a place people want to vacation in does not give Bahamians the excuse they can be slackers at work. Baha Mar put these workers on notice their last round of layoff when they told them "get your act together" or you won't be offered jobs with us...but apparently these 190 workers didn't care....thus "good riddance" to them...go find a job when your employer demands less.....

On Baha Mar lay-offs at 'absolute worst time'

Posted 10 November 2014, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Yeah, just help them find new jobs that don't require them to actually be good at what they do....try doing that lady! Baha Mar told these workers (and the others that were told they would have jobs there), last year to "shape up"...which apparently none did. Good for Baha Mar for sticking to their guns! More employers need to demand more from their workers here in Bahamas....maybe it will get through to people that you can't be "slack off's" anymore!

On FNM Deputy wants help for 190 sacked workers

Posted 10 November 2014, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

People who opposed development by outside investors are either ignorant or stupid. I can't decide. EVERY country regardless of their GNP or size, has some (If not a lot) of investment by outside countries. Look at the cutting economic growth countries such as Dominican Republic (and now even Haiti) that have and are actively recruiting outside investors to shore up their economy, give jobs to their citizens and raise them out of the "banana republic" mentality...keep thinking narrow-minded and you'll end up left behind grow's 2014, not 1967 anymore....the world is a different place.....

ChaosObserver says...

I'm confident, that Mr. Markantonis wanted to say too that the comments by Brent Symonette were a prime example of his ignorance of the industry and resorts here....but that's just my take....let the professionals "do what they do" politicians, they live this everyday.......#bahamas, #atlantis #bahamar #resorts #Symonette, #

On Atlantis chief warns on hotel 'casualties'

Posted 6 November 2014, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Are those numbers correct? Seriously Doubt it!
what a charade this is? If the government planned to send droves of illegal migrants back home this year, why did they cut the budget for repatriation this year by $700,000, down to $500,000 from the $1.2 million that was budgeted the year before? ... yet govt cut the budget to do so by over HALF, even though they increased recurrent expenditure in the budget for other things by $49 million? Hmmm....

ChaosObserver says...

WOW...there's no ego in this man, huh? HAHAHA....

ChaosObserver says...

Glad to see Dr. Allen walking the talk....a man of his word...doing for his people....too bad we don't have politicians that do the same...and other church leaders that just sit around and play with themselves....

On Anti-crime rally being held tonight

Posted 5 November 2014, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

too bad....