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ChaosObserver says...

more like the dodo bird.....

On US citizens warned over Nassau crime

Posted 4 November 2014, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Crap, the bahamian government can't even manage its own finances, much less those of a bank! Why the h*** are they involved in yet another company? Jeezzzz! Incompetence at all levels...but Bahamians been living with this since Bahamians took over the country....just children playing "grown-up" games....

ChaosObserver says...

Great comments.....and spot on too....the world is bigger than the bahamas, as is the opportunities for success.....

ChaosObserver says...

What Bahamian in their right freaking mind would come back to this absurd situation?! Unless they hold a highly sought after degree and receive pay more than they are worth...(compared to in the states), why take the risk of getting shot, being pigeon holed in a dead end job, deal with incompetence of management and government, pay 2.5 to 3 times the amount for goods, services, receive sub par service and products? Power outages, inconsistent phone service, corruption, cronyism, inefficient banking services, crazy a** drivers, lazy workers etc etc, Tell me who?!

ChaosObserver says...

anytime you have a government, especially in incompetent one such as Bahamas government, involved in ANY business venture (bec, btc, bob, etc etc etc) you will have this inept result. Nothing new, nothing to change.....way to go Bahamas!

ChaosObserver says...

Watching the Bahamian politicians burn themselves and the country down to the ground. Enjoying the comedic gestures that politicians and so called "public servants" go through to ensure their own financial security at the cost of their people and the nation. Yes, Chaos Observer for sure!

On ChaosObserver

Posted 31 October 2014, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Maybe a shooting will wake up these dumb a** politicians here in clear out some worthless life forms that say they are for the "people"....but then again, Bahamians are scarred of confrontation anyway so mute point...

ChaosObserver says...

Conference USA is just laughing at you bahamian "contract negotiators"....haha...all the way to the bank....thanks! Nothing like negotiating with ignorant and clueless "negotiators" and "government stooges".....hahaha

On Taxpayers on hook over Bahamas Bowl

Posted 31 October 2014, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

they robbed the bank account dry before they needed to buy generators...thus nothing left for anyone else....aka the regular hard working bahamian that needs electricity....thieves! worthless pieces of sh**...

ChaosObserver says...

It the damn politicians would give the police the appropriate the tools and training and power, we would not have to resort to "vigilantism" to protect out homes, families, property, selves...get your a** of your chairs and get to work you worthless pieces of human beings...and let some new blood in...your days have already passed!! Get outa here!

On Nottage: Don’t be a vigilante

Posted 31 October 2014, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal