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CollegeKid says...

Shut down the casinos, and have Atlantis and Bahamar return from whence they came?? Pastors are not economists, and should not enter into "discussion" about our country's economics unless they have thoroughly educated themselves beyond a Google search. I respect [a few of] the religious leaders in our country, but the Bible is not a book from which scriptures can be drawn to suit one situation, yet not the others. Why aren't they lobbying for the return of death sentencing? Didn't the Bible say that we should kill, we shall not LUST, commit adultury or fornicate? I'm not saying that gambling is right, however we need to focus on the spiritual and moral state of our economy as a whole. Shutting down the casinos is not the answer. We need to educate our people, starting from the children in preschools and elementary schools. We need to teach them the difference between right and wrong. The Christian Council has a horrible track record of **showing up** only when it best suits them, and failing to do so when we need them to. I say we first work on getting these murderers and rapists off the street!

PS. A national debate is something we've never done, but something we need. Who the heck holds a referendum without first educating the people about the issues at hand?? I am so tired of the leaders of the country politicizing everything. Maybe the problem is that too many lawyers are in charge.

CollegeKid says...

How can you supposedly close down 3 nightclubs, but refuse to name them?? Sillyness, they gonna be up and running by Thursday night!! no law and order in this country.

On Nightclubs closed down

Posted 23 July 2012, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

CollegeKid says...

A great leader....the best of our generation. Some may not see that now, but in the next five years, they will. I wish Mr. Ingraham all the best, and this present government all the best as well in continuing the great things that Mr. Ingraham has started, and starting some great initiatives of their own.

On Former PM delivers resignation letter

Posted 19 July 2012, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

CollegeKid says...

a gambling referendum shouldn't take priority over alot of issues that are not being resolvd in our country. I don't see how the number houses need to be addressed in the first 100 days...

CollegeKid says...

I wish our politicians could follow suit when they insult each other!!! Nice Job Bodie, I'm still an overseas listener...this don't stop no show!! :)

On Radio host in on-air apology

Posted 3 July 2012, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

CollegeKid says...

Prior to May 7, Mr. Ingraham ran the Bahamian economy thru the muck. After May 7, the global recession ran the Bahamian economy thru the muck. Mr. Christie really irks my nerves, becuz if HIS party was unable to take advantage of the manyyyyy opportunities available to them during their last term in office while the economy was booooming, then how dare they bash Mr. Ingraham's administration for doing the best that they could whilst the financial systems around the world were collapsing??!! Give me a break...if they were busy analyzing what was goin on, and formulating strategies to pull our economy thru these rough times as opposed to run around yapppin at the mouth, then their 100 day plan would've been more of a reality.............. too much lawyers runnin this country. We need some economists!!!!!!!!!!!

CollegeKid says...

LOL man i listen to bodie everyday via live stream online, and bodie speaks the truth. sorry if it offends the people that be, but fact remains, he is real......these ppl can't handle the truth. they outttta order!! whoever don't like his style needs simply to listen to another show. yes he's biggity, but that doesn't make him wrong.

CollegeKid says...

oh, wow!!!!! boy i tell ya.....if ya want the right news, watch channel 12

On Men suspected of raping a dozen women

Posted 26 June 2012, 7:45 p.m. Suggest removal

CollegeKid says...

Yeppp^^'s sad!!

On Men suspected of raping a dozen women

Posted 26 June 2012, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

CollegeKid says...

That last paragraph of this article is very true about this administration....A people that are dependent on the government is a people that will forever be enslaved!! Bahamians need to liberalize themselves, and realize that at the end of the day WE are responsible for our livelihoods and our future. Stop depending on the government to pay our bills, feed us, etc. They have an obligation to put programs and assistance in place to help those in our community who need help, yes, but it's about time that they start investing into the MINDS of our people rather than keeping them under their feet. Education is a MUST in our country, and as far as I am concerned, the budget should've been tripled!!!!!! There's no way to explain away this one Mr. Christie and Cabinet. No way at all!!!!! If you want to change our country for the better, invest in our children, so that when they are your age, they'll know better, do better, and will be positive agents of change in our country. Yall be letting the politics get in the way of progress, and it's sickening.

On PLP education pledge only 'double talk'

Posted 24 June 2012, 11:27 p.m. Suggest removal