Comment history

CollegeKid says...

Tal Russell, my comrade, you really need a freaking life. Seriously. There is no place in our society for individuals like yourself! Elections are over, and this country and the people in it seem to not be able to get over themselves!! Despite your elaborate diction and use of big words sir or ma'am, you a very ignorant person!! Now feel free to attempt and insult me, it's what you obviously do best. Absolutely ridiculous.

CollegeKid says...

The system is broken because too much corruption is involved; on the political end as well as on the legal end. It is sad, and we need to deal with it. Murderers should, under no circumstance, be granted bail; especially repeat offenders. It seems as though the leaders that be don't even watch crime shows let alone are educated in the area of criminal justice and prosecution. I feel as though many of we, the average citizens could do a better job!!! Schools keep record of their problematic children who are constantly getting suspended etc., yet our country has no record of murderers on bail??!!! The system is shattered!!

CollegeKid says...

to the above comment, the story doesn't add up because it's just a "reported" story that is not supported by any "real evidence." Most of what is printed here is inaccurate, but quite frankly, all of the specifics of such a crime should NEVER be released to the public during an investigation, as it will most likely hurt the polices' efforts. But I agree that the communities should be informed of home invasions, as to take the necessary steps to secure our homes. But in this case, please don't believe everything that you read. And I leave it at that.

CollegeKid says...

You will hear the crickets on this issue. Pockets have already been lined, and sadly, our voices will be ignored. That is the only thing that remains constant regardless of what party is elected into office.

On 'Cable Beach is being destroyed'

Posted 20 June 2012, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

CollegeKid says...

I understand that BTC is under new ownership, and that systems need to be brought up to speed with those of foreign competitors, however, under no circumstances, should disruptions lead to much business losses and failing emergency responses. They need to put back up systems in place to share the load whilst they upgrade the old ones. BTC anddddd BEC need to get their acts together. This is what happens when you got monopolies.

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 20 June 2012, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal