Comment history

Collin says...

Who knew about it?

Collin says...

Bahamian advocate, Bahamian advocate, Bahamian advocate... You made an interesting point and that is we as Bahamians excel in the social sciences and thus are the leaders in the Caribbean; thanks, for that reminder.

The challenge is stem cell is in the field of natural sciences. We have some very brilliant people who excel in this arena, but I am sure you know that most of us abhor math. Thus, we are not leaders in this area.

I again make this point we are capable of doing anything else that anyone else can do and in many instance better. However, what are we generally most challenged culturally to do? Care to take a guess - maintenance, monitoring and enforcement. Does this say anything about our inability or does it speak to our lax nature and unwillingness to follow up?

Here lies the issue with regard to stem cell. It is not about ability it is about the discipline and again the regulatory infrastructure(not the regulations themselves).

Collin says...

That was no mistake it was Freudian slip; that is exactly what you think bahamianadvocate. The Speaker was wrong last week and folded to the dictates of the governing party and BJ Nottage in particular. You can spin how you want it that is a fact.

If Perry and for that matter the PLP cabinet has not resign for being thus far the worst government ever (even worse than 2002-2007) why should Hon. Minnis? In the last incarnation of Parliament he was voted time and time again as the best MP. He is growing as a leader and stood toe to toe with Christie last week. Resulting in Hon. Christie crying and throwing his cabinet colleagues that were in the video under the bus.

The PLP breaks the rules of the house at every sitting, as an example getting up with pointless points of order and then the incompetent Speaker allowing them to give mini speeches. I will admit he has tightened up some until this major mistake.

Hon. Minnis is a far better leader than Hon. Christie who is proving to be a lousy PM once again.

Hon. Minnis is not oppose to stem cell, he does not believe we have the regime to be able to provide the proper protection to the patience and the Bahamas. I hear the emotive argument some wish to make about we can do anything and I certainly believe that. However, that does not mean we will put in place the regulatory infrastructure to properly monitor and POLICE the industry.

Why has no PLP spoken to this? All they say is we have in place this and that now. So whatever they pass will be covered. Really? Is abortion legal? If not, how is this possible with all of the regulations we have now? Dealing with stem cell is significantly more complex than abortion, but a PLP MP stated that we are having all kinds of unregulated illegal abortions.

So either PLP MP and the good Dr. Sands are wrong with abortions or they along with the rest of the PLP MPs are giving the Bahamian people a 6 for a 9.

So run on with all the non sense you wish but only your base is buying it.

Collin says...

So he admits he donated $5M to the PLP. However, it was for stem cell research. Well, the money was already donated and spent to the PLP. Yet he is travelling to Freeport for the first time when the facility will be built. This means then nothing has been done, since you are now going to here the funds were being invested, Freeport, for the first time.

What is wrong with the story? How can you have already donated to something that has not even started yet?

Collin says...

Nygard really believes we are stupid. Google his name and see what you find; then tell me where in the world does he have a good reputation. Name one place...smt.

The disturbing thing about this entire affair is listening to the dialogue between he and CB Moss. It is clear that he feels he has bought us and we owe him.

He also claimed not get involved in politics here but again listen to the recording with him and CB Moss. This man clearly has a problem with the truth.

Far to many of us have become beggars always asking for a slow dis or dat, it has become deeply ingrained in our culture. He has been here long enough to know that and figures he throws a couple dollars here and there; invite us to one of his sordid parties then he has his minions controlled and bowing to their god.

On Nygard claims target Bacon

Posted 16 July 2013, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

That video should be very insulting to every Bahamian, it is totally despicable. Further, why is it that Nygard is receiving police escort to meet with CB Moss? Is he a minister of government?

Collin says...

The entire notion of tonight's celebration is to commemorate our Independence; it is not suppose to change much from year to year. We can alter, adjust, add too or whatever the activities in the lead up to after. We can even tinker with the event up to the point the official ceremony begins. However, what happens on Clifford Park tonight is suppose to remain the same for as long as there is a country called the Bahamas.

On Tonight's Independence celebrations

Posted 9 July 2013, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

LOL...exactly. Nail on da head!!!

On Landlords under threat of legal action

Posted 8 July 2013, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

LOL, this is funny in a way. This government will not take responsibility for anything negative, they typically blame the FNM now they are blaming a private business.

On PR firm defends itself over trip

Posted 3 July 2013, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

@superidiot. You call Bahamians throughout your utterances fools, idiots, dummies, etc. Yet you believe in Bahamains and you argue that is the distinction between us.

You argue in absolutes, which most intelligent people know not to do, because nothing is absolute.

You claim my defeat and I imagine this is suppose to be an intellectual argument. I submit you cannot defeat me because clearly from reading and rereading your posts you are intellectually unarmed.

Run on whatever else you wish, you are complete waste of time.


Posted 25 June 2013, 10:29 p.m. Suggest removal