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Collin says...

The Mp that cries wolf...big talk no results!

On Bahamas' IP regime to be 'trailblazer'

Posted 25 June 2013, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

@superidiot or sorry user... Why are you here? Why are you commenting on anything Bahamian? It is clear from your utterances you have very little or no regard for us as Bahamians.

What fantasy land will you move to that has a perfect or even great government? It does not exist, after all we all are only human.

No system of governance is perfect and no human is. We are all a work in progress, some requiring more than others.

Apparently, you seem to think you are better than us lesser people/Bahamians...Why don't you do yourself a favour and "Stop the world and you jump off!"

Good riddance.


Posted 25 June 2013, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Sorry, should have been smuggling of guns not drugs.

Collin says...

Fitzgerald says no one or no law can compel him to answer this question honestly. Well the reality is as long as he does not answer the Bahamian people - his bosses, his integrity is called into question. This is further compounded by the fact that the Bahamian people know that his general in the general elections in Marathon is a convicted drug dealer. In fact, this is the person he used to target the young male vote in Marathon - would anyone seek to take a guess as to how that was done?

So now the Bahamian people have been provided additional information that individuals you let go free were 'known' to the police for allegedly smuggling of drugs.

So now you better explain to the Bahamian people how this is a matter of national security. No more smoke and mirrors answer WE the Bahamian people and answer us now!!!

On Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling

Posted 20 June 2013, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

The funny part about it Mr. Fritzgerald protest so much about his integrity. Yet his lead general for Marathon the convicted drug dealer who is presently serving time was up and down in Marathon; providing many of the young people in Marathon with rum and 'things' all day.

It is so sad to see how Marathon youth sold out and since May 7th 5 have lost their lives in the area through violent death including the first two murders this year. All of this in the vicinity of Fritzgerald HQ. The sad example set and encouraged by the present MP of intimidation during last years campaign has come home to roost.

I can go really deep and be very specific, however, I choose to merely let him know play your above reproach with others but we know what you really are.

Collin says...

It is now becoming clearer and clearer why the PLP Government wanted Cargill out of the way. Bahamians we ought to be very concerned of what they have started and will do with Bahamian people funds at NIB.

Collin says...

Fred Mitchel is campaigning for the Leadership of the PLP. Apparently, he has already held several meetings with various grouping soliciting their support; so everything he does now must be looked at through that lens.

Thus the stupid statements made by him with regard to immigration, as he seeks to go after the base support of the PLP. Now he wants to go around the world doing the jobs of Ryan Pinder and Khallis Rolle.

This is his last ditched effort to live his life long dream of being of being PM. Nothing is wrong with it, he has every right to pursue his dreams. He just had to dummy down is arguments to seek this post. It reminds me when he lost the elections of 1997 and to prove he was a man, he started going on stage and cussing at PLP rallies. He will do whatever it takes to live his dream, even if it is selling his principles and intellect.

Collin says...

The PLP are funny, they keep putting out this rather large amounts and then when the numbers come in lower than they said that it would be they cal it a savings. All of this to hide their incompetence.

The last two years are the two largest in Bahamian history, a fact that is undeniable. So they tell everyone in the mid year budget some ridiculously high amounts. So that the story line would be savings or coming under the budgeted amount; as oppose to another loss or worse deficits ever.

The PLP the party that invented smoke and mirrors.

On Projected BEC loss cut in half to $22m

Posted 6 June 2013, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

The reality is Mr. Mitchel is a petty egotistical old man whose immaturity and hatred for Mr. Ingraham cannot be hidden. Every time Ingraham spoke in Parliament he walked out, it is beyond silly and shows just how foolish he is.

Why? Very simply, because when he wanted a nomination from the FNM, Ingraham declined it.

Collin says...

Family Planning! Self Discipline! Respect! Love!

On PM speaks out after latest murders

Posted 5 June 2013, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal