Comment history

Collin says...

Please forgive me for the numerous typos

Collin says...

Complete and utter nonsense. ZNS indicated that there has been 4 attempted murders this year; that equates to less than 1 per month. Does the RBPF really expect the Bahamian people to buy this nonsense? You are quickly losing credibility we have had more people shot or stabbed than dies from these injuries.

In fact, in a discussion a number of have concluded (tongue in cheek) that murders were down and attempted murder were up due to the real killers having already being killed. However, in recent times it appears to make up for their inaccuracies recently the murderers have been shooting to knock their target down and then at point blank rage started emptying their clip.

My good police officers I do not think you wish to deceive us, but if the political directorate are forcing you to do this nonsense please find some way to wink or something so the rest of us can understand. Otherwise you risk the general populace having very little regard from your utterances.

Collin says...

I get you passion and agree with you that we need a revival in leadership in this country and not just politically. However, some of those things you want to see does not augur well for vision, focus, health, preparation and organization...but I get it!!!

Collin says...

Dpratt, your post is humorous. How is it that it would be political victimization if the Cargill's are PLP's? Does that really make sense to you? Is the type of spinning you sought in your blog humorously hypocritical? Further, the problem is it appears that half of brain was used in this exercise, had the full brain been used those who will have the Bahamian tax payers burdened with a bill that any reasonable business person and certainly accountant knows should only cost a small fraction of the actual amount.

You are also correct that it is stupid to defend corruption. So should not those who caused this further burden on the Bahamian people to resign and agreeing with you again face the courts? Who approved the audit? According to you whomever that is should be be sent packing.

Collin says...

Mr. Gibson must be joking with regard to anyone being cleared. Please stop taking Bahamians for fools, you squander nearly $1M and find clear implications on MP Moss. Quite frankly, on MP Gibson as well and please do not think we are stupid by using the laughable statement "When your in you seek to help people".

You are proving to be nothing but a HUGE disgrace to this country MP Gibson. huge disgrace!

Collin says...

I agree, can someone please confirm whether or not the firm used is the PM's brother's firm. If this is so this entire matter just became substantially worse.

Tribune is that typo or fact?

Collin says...

You have to be joking get it right. In the house of assembly yesterday many PLP MP's including seniour cabinet members defended the Minister of Grand Bahama brother facilities being rented. This is despite the facilities not being ideally located.

So how come that is okay and you and your PLP want to villify Mr. Cargill for what amounts to the very same thing; but at least in his case he claimed not to know initially.

You are right you will defend anything for your politics. You seem incapable of making a reasoned argument without insults; hopefully one day you will mature enough to move past that.

Getitrightbahamas it seems your name should be getitplpbahamas.

On UPDATES: NIB report cost govt $861,000

Posted 16 May 2013, 7:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Spoitier, it is a rather substantial report. I am sure they are going to have to tackle this in a series of issues.

What can be surmised thus far is that Mr. Cargill has been truthful thus far and that MP Moss apparently has not. So Mr. who was terminated because he disobeyed our PM, should now be made to pay for the findings in the report.

Also that the Minister Shane Gibson in seeking to cover up Mr. Moss' folly, has also found himself acting outside the law. He to should be made to pay.

On UPDATES: NIB report cost govt $861,000

Posted 15 May 2013, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Mr. Shane Gibson has to go!!!

On Claim over award of contracts

Posted 15 May 2013, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

getitrightbahamas, I thank you for you most eloquent and thoughtful argument. I imagined that it provided you great effort and skill to show such intellect. What a way to demonstrate to us how to get it right

On Court is asked to probe NIB audit

Posted 15 May 2013, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal