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Collin says...

Let me get this straight. The Minister who is on this vendetta to attack and besmirch Cargill and others. Has likely broken the law and is possibly himself in breach of the NIB Act. All I can say is only in the Bahamas under the PLP!!!

This is so ridiculously funny!!!

On Court is asked to probe NIB audit

Posted 14 May 2013, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

It is interesting to see in three of the above comments that seem to also "Miss the boat". Dr. Minnis stated a fact that the PLP claimed they were and had the solution to crime. Did this happen? If it did and we all know it did, what is wrong with him stating that is indeed what happen?

Dr. Minnis pointed out to the fact that the when we start killing tourist it may have a direct consequence with regard to the tourism industry. Which is the way the majority of us Bahamians feed ourselves. Did he say the tourist life is any more important than a Bahamian life? So why impute it in what your issue is with what he said.

Before I move on, if Dr. Minsis had stopped and only pointed out that the PLP led government despite their pronouncements that they were and had the solution to crime. If Dr. Minnis had stopped there I would have a problem, but did he. No he in fact called all Bahamians to get involved.

Really, that is more than PLP ever did in opposition. Yet some of you seem to not take note of that and make the amusing statement if he is serious. I appreciate your political biases, but please at least put forward a better argument - than picking and leaving.

Jobs will not stop murder! Why do we not get it in our heads? We have a much deeper problem and that is poor parenting and socialization. However, we as a people do not want to face that reality because we like to point to 'solutions' that do not show that we the people are the blame.

If the Government was to hire more people or cause there to be greater investment and job creation all of a sudden the murders would stop. Then others want to blame foreigners for everything. Are you serious? Look in the mirror and look at our children! As if the problems is not how we train our children. We have always been a violent people. However, we have moved from rock and bottle - to cutlass and knives to the more deadlier guns.

Let's stop trying to stop playing and become better parents and bring up our children properly. otherwise all we would do is have employed murderers.

Collin says...

TalRussel, the proof has been presented. Where are you? We know you are yellow shirt apologist, but are you also a yellow belly?

Stand up! We are waiting...

On MP demands answer on PLP pledge

Posted 8 May 2013, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

SP... why don't you go to Bermuda. You disregard and disrespect everything we Bahamians represent politically and daily praise Bermuda as though they are perfect.

Please develop rationale arguments, so at least we can have a reasoned discussion about the progress of our country.

On Bahamians march on parliament

Posted 3 May 2013, 6:32 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Hon. Mitchel is preparing to run for the leadership of the PLP. So he has made some very concerning immigration statements that have caused even a fellow cabinet minister to state what such a position would mean to the economy and way of life of Bahamians.

Interestingly communist China had such a position and attitude displayed by the good minister. Today, China has left that backward way of thinking realizing that if they wished to be competitive a different view would need to be taken.

The reality is he is playing to the base of the PLP and those who are frustrated due to a depressed economy.

Seeing that the courts have confirmed what we all know, that the numbers racket is illegal. Does that not means that funds raised from it are illicit funds and an investment in an illegitimate business would be considered money laundering?

Just asking...

Collin says...

LOL...the letter is long winded attorney gibberish and pointless. Koed has a history and spoke to the media and we saw the video.

So what is the point.

Well at least the Tribune showed some maturity and printed the gibberish.

On Open letter from Keod Smith

Posted 2 May 2013, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

SP you really need to be mature and thoughtful in your discourse, but to each their own.

Having stricter policies has nothing to do with with this, having more tact does. Also having a cabinet minister that seems to insult anyone who has a different view does not auger well for a mature government or individual; certainly not leader.

Now, let us get to the bras tax. It is being said that individuals are now positioning for a run at the leadership of the PLP. These individuals are now seeking heighten their profile and endear themselves to the Bahamian masses.

I trust that good minister is not one of those, especially since until recently this was the segment of his portfolio he played least attention too.

I am only putting this forward in consideration and if you listened to the increase activity locally and the speech yesterday it is becoming more interesting.

The manner this issue is being played is very old school PLP, I mean very old. We shall see what comes of it..

Collin says...

Is it only me or did the Hon. Speaker sound totally confused and incoherent. He really should have better thought out what he was going to stay or at least not have the cameras there to see him make himself look very silly and small.

On No apology to cob students by Speaker

Posted 30 April 2013, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Why does it seem like the country and its governance is rapidly losing control? Could it be that we have a government of special interest? Such special interest that once the PLP comes to power many of their agents seem to act with no regard for the law. Why does it seem like so many of their special interest are trying to grab as much as they can?

Does anyone here believes that anything will come of Koed's behaviour. We all know who he acts on behalf of, we know that individual is very well connected and will quickly bring out the marketing machinery. Demonstrating where he has given some athlete or group a couple of dollars (which is good). However, it appears that he believes such payments give him right to destroy the environment with impunity. To request the government to make him so powerful that all...

I will leave that for now.

On Police block off beach amid row

Posted 29 April 2013, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Now let see allegedly... putting some one in fear for their life, threats of ...., kidnapping and the list goes on....

Does anyone believe Koed will be picked up and question by the RBPF say like Rodney Moncur.

This just got very interesting....

On Attorney 'Afraid for Bacon's safety'

Posted 29 April 2013, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal