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Collin says...

Bradley Roberts makes some of the stupidest statements in public life period. It appears he says as much as possible and hope something sticks. His writers, because clearly what he reads and submits to the papers do not match they he actually speaks need to shift and upgrade.

Further, it is not a secret that the present Minister of Health is failing, just as the PLP Government; highlighted by their great mortgage relief programme. The Mortgage relief programme that has helped "No not one, No not one". Maybe Bradle Roberts and the PLP need to better explain its failure.

The PLP had 100 day Challenge - PLP failed!
15 Million Urban Renewal - PLP Failing!
Gambling/Numbers Referendum - PLP Failed!
Mortgage Relief Programme - PLP Failed!
Medication Shortage at PMH and Clinics - PLP Failed!
Crime Solution - PLP Failed! Yet they continue to tell is up is down and down is up

Bradley Roberts, what the PLP needs to do is dismiss their entire Parliamentary team; they are complete and utter failures in this the first year. How about the PLP's new generation of

PLP all the way - Fail!!!

On Roberts calls on FNM to dismiss Minnis

Posted 29 April 2013, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

No one is disputing the law is the law, but it is possible to carry out the law without being foolish and destroying what we spend millions to attract. How is doing sensible selling your soul? How is employing sensible policies selling your soul or corrupt? How is it acting in the best interest of your country a bad thing?

It would be interesting to see if some, who are using technology and the comforts of life paid for mainly by the people some wish to be treated in a callous manner. I am all for law and order after all I do not break the law even when it comes to simple traffic infraction.

However, we must not be so foolish to believe that we can attack the very industry that feeds our families and gives us the third highest per capita in the Western Hemisphere.

Collin says...

Because it was in their beds not in the front of the people who pay the majority of bills for we Bahamians. If you do not understand the difference you simply do not want too.

This praising of Hon. Mitchell for his ill thought off pronouncements and ridiculous repeating of the same is a reminder of the shortsightedness and myopic view of some.

Collin says...

We are in serious trouble in this country. He is a former MP for our country and he feels quite comfortable allegedly being involved in such type thuggery.

Truly sad and disgraceful...

Collin says...

I am a Bahamian. I have for years stressed throughout the country that we need to prepare our people to be competitive globally. I have advocated for self pride and to for young Bahamians to develop the determination to be the best in their field of endeavour.

We Bahamians fear foreigners because we know that we are not able to compete en mass with them. Sure we have bright spots and high-fliers who can compete with anyone anywhere. However, in the main we do not have the work ethic and social skills necessary for us to develop a competitive country.

This is directly tied to the PLP and the movement towards Majority Rule. Sadly, over a generation the PLP led government turned an industrious hardworking people into a people of entitlement and just cause "Ya born here" ya must get. No correlation has been made o preparation, perspiration and pride in personal and community development.

As a result, we have people who spend more time at work trying to figure out how we can look like we working as oppose to being productive. We refer to the job as this the boss job. We have no regard for education and expertise and any drunkard in the bar or high school drop out will speak condescendingly to an expert in a field. If they expert dear say anything then they are made out to "think they are better than people" or " a know it all".

We in this country need to decide if we want to build a country that can compete with the rest of the world and maintain a high standard of living. Or, we can decide to run foreigners and investment from our shores and relegate ourselves to the third and possibly fourth world for generations.

This is no simple decision because it is emotive and has been used by politicians especially the PLP to make its base support feel like they are fighting for them.

I know I am probably asking the impossible, but we need an honest debate on immigration. Unfortunately, I do not believe it is possible because it is not to the benefit of some to tell the masses the truth providing them with the Real options.

Collin says...

I am a former student at COB and employee. Recently, my niece attended COB and as she was from a Family Island it forced me to be on campus and keep abreast of what is happening at COB.

I take offense with the students who keep speaking about COB inferior education. That is utter nonsense! COB has produced many of the brightest minds and has assisted many who attend and then went to abroad to further their education to excel. In fact, COB's standards in terms of quality of education is higher than most anywhere in continental North America and elsewhere. What I assert here is based on research and facts provided by any number of sources. So please students stop disrespecting what you are not likely to appreciate until you decide to go further.

Now having said that; as a former executive of COBUS (Business Senator and then Presidential Adviser) I take great offense with how COB's Council has handled this matter. Any decision that will impact student's/parent's pocket books should always provide a grace period to allow for people to plan their finances, especially in these challenging financial times.

So the students and parents for that measure has every right to be upset and take this type of disrespect from the authorities at COB.

Further, the game the Bahamian Government is playing with the students at COB and their parents is sad and beneath us. Who will believe the PM, nor the Minister of Education has no clue of said increases. Who?

Students continue your fight because it is not just about fees, but about showing a respect and regard for young people and the by extension the populace of our country.

Collin says...

SP, governments can build all of the facilities in the world. If our children are not socialized, disciplined and motivated to perform then it will all be for naught.

So stop blaming the governments alone and speak to the poor parenting.

Collin says...

The PLP is looking for Nygard to bury them with this nonsense.

My first consideration that such a facility is planned it certainly will not be constructed and operated in Lyford Cay and certainly not at someone's home.

Further, the Government of the Bahamasrecently passed zoning regulations that such a commercial construction will be in direct breach in a residential area.

Tribune, you are on the right path...dig a little deeper there is more to this story than you have unearth thus far. There is a major devil in this detail!

On Nygard eyes $30m stem cell facility

Posted 17 April 2013, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Please stop repeating this inaccurate statement. The PLP did not promise 10,000 jobs during this term, the DPM promised that within one year.

On Is the Bahamas falling behind?

Posted 12 April 2013, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Mitchel made a stupid statement and is arrogance is so great that he continues to dig in. He is doing this despite some of his fellow MPs seeking to reign it in a little.

He truly is proving to demonstrate that he is totally losing grip with reality. Further, he speaks of good business as though he understands the realities of business form most of us or can even conceptualize.

Finally, in regard to the amount of bull he references he must not read the site that once carried his name.