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Collin says...

Totally, agree!!! Cease and desist, then restore! All the good feelings stories and veil threats save it to those who kiss up to you.

We appreciate your work in the community but that does not excuse your boorish behaviour and disregard for Bahamian law.

By the way, also know your other deal I understand you are seeking to obtain from PM Christie and the PLP will not happen. If they dared tried that they and you will be ran out of town!!!

On Nygard to Bacon: Let's work together

Posted 12 April 2013, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

SP, your statements are laughable at best and you sound most definitely like a PLP talking head. There are certain phrases you use that are a dead give away.

There is nothing in Hon. Mitchel statements that you can gather what you put forward - nothing! Further, I am an entrepeneur and not one who receives any help assistance from a rich family member or connected politician. It has become increasingly expensive to operate a business in the Bahamas. Partly, because of ridiculous electricity cost, but also due to labour cost that is both on the more expensive end and highly unproductive.

I too believe that we have an immensely talented people and we can achieve great things. However, that is not the culture of the Bahamas. It is our culture to seek to find a way to either do enough to keep the job or spend great effort seeking to 'flam' as if we are working.

Hon. Mitchel's statements were thoughtless and now worsened by the arrogant follow up by him, despite other Ministers seeking to soften it. It is showing clear disregard for good business sense and the development of a competitive country.

We in our country must begin to take the development of our country more seriously and understand the dynamics that lie there in. Otherwise the inefficiency in the work place, poorly educated populace and lack of discipline and poorly socialized people will further erode away the GOOD life we presently have.

This is definitely where all right thinking people should be (By the way PLP apologist that is such a stupid phrase - I use it in jest).

Collin says...

So we should force everyone to develop all of the land in New Providence or sell it. This idea out to be really good for the environment. Sounds great let's make New Providence a concrete island...yippeeee!!!

On Property 'sitters' harming economy

Posted 21 March 2013, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

The Rt. Hon. Christie is the most dangerous politician when it comes to crying like someone is stabbing him with a dinner fork; while he is stabbing them with a cutlass ask Hon. Nottage, Mitchel or even Fritzgerald.

Yesterday, I watched our PM's entire show. I think the Rt. Hon Christie protested too much I wonder why?

On PM hits out at FNM ‘dirty’ politics

Posted 19 March 2013, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Mr. DPM here are your words "Are we not about the truth? Are in the Bahamas not about the truth?" What do you have to hide? You are public figure, simply show us you live by your own words. We simply ask for full disclosure.

On Deputy PM: Oil talk 'irrelevant'

Posted 18 March 2013, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Cabinet Ministers are the head of this country, there is a collective responsibility (which really means matters presented publicly (should) have the support and all Cabinet Ministers are held to be responsible). So when one as smart, experienced and thoughtful as Hon. Fred Mitchel makes a statement in the manner he did; it was clear that was not something stated for feed back.

So the Hon. Khallis Rolle is speaking a good bit of nonsense. Clearly, the response from especially Atlantis and Bahamar placed the 'fear of Jesus' in the Government.

It is a foolish, stupid and ill considered position to take.

In future, the Bahamas Cabinet Ministers need to stop the utter nonsense and better for the Bahamian people.

Sadly thus far, this has been the worse Bahamian Government ever! We trust and pray they quickly change course and do better!

On Work permit proposals 'not firm policy'

Posted 15 March 2013, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Wow, some folly commentary. Let's deal with the issue. So all of you are saying that is fine to start drilling without having any regulations and legislation in place to protect our country and citizens? For not one of you broached this topic.

The PK was not willing to make any assumptions with regard to finding oil or not; but easily made assumptions about what the FNM would have done as oppose to the PLP. I wonder if any bias in there.

Sadly, some seem incapable or stating and defending their position without 'dummying' down and personal attacks. Grow up and let us have a serious discussion about what is a serious matter.

I personally believe we should be exploring and exploiting any and all potential resources to the benefit of us Bahamians. However, it does not diminish that we should do it in a proper and reasoned manner.

You know if the Government goes ahead and rushes this and there is some disaster many of you will be right back here saying should a, would a could a.

Collin says...

The PLP did not promise to create 10,000 jobs during the 2012-2017 term. The PLP promised using the DPM words to provide 10,000 jobs by the end of 2012. When the PM Christie was asked about it he backed tracked.

Collin says...

I have not agreed with Bran for a while, but he is correct on this point.

The first writer you did not understand what was proposed by Mitchel and Bran's position based on your argument. Mitchel and the PLP did not propose any selectivity, but a complete elimination/ban.

For the second writer, that was really a long bunch of stuff. Grow up and stop hating on others success. Yes we need to instill proper values in our children, but picking up clothes and weeding the yard does not make you a greater human. If you can afford to pay for others to do it for you then do it.

Far too many Bahamians hate on others success.

On 'Permit move risks destroying economy'

Posted 13 March 2013, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

This letter is utter nonsense, the writer poled himself and is still stinging from his cut hip. You know who you are; telling fibs on the good people of Abaco.

I am happy at least you did not put your name on the list.

We are thankful for Ingraham's service and wish him well in retirement. Please join him!!!

On A fourth term for Ingraham

Posted 4 March 2013, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal