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ColumbusPillow says...

You "have that" only when the clouds are gone and and you do a really good job of dealing with salt corrosion, a very big problem. What about the environmental problem of dumping the solar panels after 10 or 12 years of service. They are filled with very toxic substances!.

ColumbusPillow says...

The principal problem that the government must face concerning oil drilling is there are no persons in the government qualified to review an Environmental Impact Assessment or EIA for a drilling venture.
I know of an EIA that has collected dust for 12 years because there was nobody in BEST who understands petroleum geology and engineering!.

ColumbusPillow says...

FYI, any oil and gas exploration in the Bahamas is sanctioned by the Petroleum Act of 2016.

On Oil and democracy a tough mix

Posted 12 February 2021, 7:12 a.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Yes there is a big structure there but the principal geologic problem of the BPC well site; no salt in the underlying geologic section to seal the bedding cracks that have allowed oil to escape over the last 150 million years!.

ColumbusPillow says...

Its time to assess the environmental problem of oil drilling (sanctioned by the Petroleum Act of 2016).
Biggest problem is there is nobody in the government who is do that!
Applications for drilling licenses are accepted by the Ministry of the Environment and Housing.
The Ministry gives the license and accompanying Environmental Impact Assessment document for the Bahamas Environment Science and Technology Commission (BEST)
But there is nobody in BEST who is qualified to review or "vet" an oil drilling EIA document.

The government must hire qualified staff to do this in compliance with the Petroleum Act and avoid the intense hysteria associated with the BPC drilling issue !

ColumbusPillow says...

Dear Casuarina.
Over 70 % of Bahamians supported the drilling because they are aware of this country's $10 billion financial debt. They know that tourism is now almost dead.
I am sure that residents of Lyford Cay couldn't care less.
Could you please suggest a plan to deal with this rather urgent problem before it is too late?

ColumbusPillow says...

If I lived on Lyford Cay I would celebrate too.
Not good news for the rest of us.

ColumbusPillow says...

The Bahamas postal service is non-existent. how can people pay their taxes without mail service or mail/post boxes??

ColumbusPillow says...

Peter where are you?
1. I have lived on Long Island for last 35 years and have not noticed this "sea level change". Peter please examine tidal gauges to support your theories.
2. Sea water expansion due to global warming is doubtful because their is now lots of evidence of global cooling!
3. What increase in hurricanes?
4. Increasing CO2 appears to correlate with increasing crop yields
Enough fear mongering please

ColumbusPillow says...

Yes Nassau hotels that cater to short term tourists are devastated by the new US and Canadian 14 day quarantine rules. However most winter residents will return for one month or longer visits. They will be engaged in home repair and improvement and require a lot of Bahamian employment. We just returned from a wonderful 2 month stay at our winter home on Long was worth the covid aggrevation
.Suggestion to Bahamas Immigration, allow winter residents more than 2 month stays