Comment history

ColumbusPillow says...

Paul Thompson gives a very positive and enviable picture of what the oil industry has benefitted the people of Trinidad. To be expected in the Barbados and Guyana.

However some of his points he reports about Bahamas do require review;
1. What big oil spills do you report in Bahamas that have damaged our fisheries?
2. In a recent poll, over 70% of Bahamians support oil exploration. Your Trinidad picture looks very nice to a lot of Bahamians who do not live in Lyford Cay!
3. Your reported US interference in our affairs is not acceptable and quite provocative, They now have some very big problems of their own to solve!
4. Why have you moved from Trinidad to the Bahamas?

On Oil drilling in The Bahamas

Posted 27 January 2021, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

No tourist will come to visit for a few days or even a week if they face a 2 week quarantine on return. Tourists/winter residents who can spend at least 4 weeks will come, it is really worth it!

ColumbusPillow says...

Visits to the Bahamas cannot be short term presently.
We had a glorious 2 month stay on Long was worth the COVID hassle!

On COVID test to enter U.S. a good step

Posted 25 January 2021, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Its the 2 week quarantine after returning to the USA that will kill US tourism..

On COVID test to enter U.S. a good step

Posted 24 January 2021, 7:23 a.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

This will discourage visitors coming for short visits (less than a week). We just spent 2 wonderful months on Long island and had PCR tests going and coming + 2 week quarantine in that hellhole called Canada. It was worth the bother.

ColumbusPillow says...

Please stop with this climate change hysteria!
In 34 years I have not seen noticeable "climate change" or any sea level drop in the Bahamas. This winter has been the coolest on record. Wind and solar cannot deliver in any reliable or economic way. And nobody has demonstrated conclusively that CO2 significantly effects weather.. We need fossil fuels. please stop the witch hunt[

On Oil drilling

Posted 22 January 2021, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Wife and me got the PCR test before leaving Canada and got the PCR test done in Nassau. before departure. The inconvenience was worth it for 2 glorious months in Bahamas.
We will be back soon, its really worth it! Canada is a hell hole presently.
I can understand the difficulty for much shorter visit tourists... a different category of tourism.

ColumbusPillow says...

Not a day passes without flak from these hysterical environmentalists
Can you please figure out another way of solving the $10 billion national debt problem, PLEASE

ColumbusPillow says...

Dear kairosmatt,
Suggest you put our statement on a large sign to be huig at the airport arrivals hall. Then foreigners would know what kind of country they are visiting.

On U.S. business leaders: Stop the drilling

Posted 16 January 2021, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Bahamians and all others who are concerned, must please read the Petroleum Act 0f 2016 passed by parliament BEFORE they open their mouths. The Act gives all the regulations to be followed for safe drilling. That means BPC!

On U.S. business leaders: Stop the drilling

Posted 16 January 2021, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal