Comment history

ColumbusPillow says...

No nation can prosper unless it has access to relatively cheap power.. We are paying more than 6x what are our American friends pay. Natural gas is the most economic source of power. Other choices are at least 2x more costly. Plus it is the cleanest choice. Or would you prefer diesel?

On Climate change a threat to us all

Posted 3 December 2018, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

"pollute our air with CO2". Sir, please be advised that CO2 is what enables us to live on this planet. No CO2, no photosynthesis, no plants, no vegetation, no life. Geology informs us that present CO2 level is only 10% of what it was in the past. Suggest you study botany and geology a bit more.

On Climate change a threat to us all

Posted 3 December 2018, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Lets first compare costs;
-SOLAR; $184- $400
-Offshore WIND; $204..a bit unreliable
-diesel; $250
-natural gas; $54

On Minnis wants solar homes for everyone

Posted 21 November 2018, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

How popular it is to do "Trump Bashing" as if nothing else matters.
The thing that really matters is that the US unemployment rate is 3.5 % and that is largely due to Trump's efforts. Its almost 7% in Canada and 14% here...................Happy people are employed.

ColumbusPillow says...

Cost of Bahamas electricity is 6 to 8 times the Florida rate.
The only way Bahamas can have any growth is for it to reduce this energy cost.

Energy cost can be reduced when Bahamas allows oil and gas exploration...either offshore or onshore.

We have been stalled for 3 years in obtaining a license to drill an onshore gas well.

On Warning of lower growth than forecast

Posted 10 October 2013, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal