Comment history

ColumbusPillow says...

Expect a good deal of hysteria about the urgent need to do something about Dorian-type hurricanes,
Almost all hurricanes that hit the Bahamas come from the same exact spot. This spot s near Cape Verde off the west coast of Africa where hot dry air from the Sahara meets cool,moist air from the south.
There is nothing we can do to stop Mother Nature.

On Death, destruction & recovery

Posted 11 September 2019, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

No new home in this country shall be built less than 20' above sea level.

On What will we learn from Hurricane Dorian?

Posted 10 September 2019, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

A good source of electricity is Waste to Energy (WTE) incineration used in Sweden (smart people) and in 400 localities elsewhere in Europe, also Minnesota and Bermuda.
land filling is very bad for the environment.
wte produces a lot of electricity and metals. Sweden uses scrubbers and filters to remove all pollutants and completely meet environmental complaints.
sweden actually imports 700,000 tons of garbage yearly.
Where are the smart people in the Bahamas?

ColumbusPillow says...

In Sweden (smart people) they use waste to energy incinerator plants because landfilling is very bad for the environment. Use scrubbers and filters to remove all pollutants to totally meet environmental standards! there are over 400 of these plants in Europe, In Sweden over 50% of solid waste is consumed. Sweden imports 700,000 tons of garbage yearly to produce power and heating.
9 plants in Minnesota..

ColumbusPillow says...

In the Ease of doing Business Index 2019, Bahamas ranked 119, behind Swaziland #118, New Zealand is #1, USA is #8 That says it all.

ColumbusPillow says...

What evidence is there for climate change significantly affecting the Bahamas?
Do tidal gauges show any rise in sea level more than 1 mm/year?
How many hurricanes affected this country last year and how many are predicted this year?
Is it known that there has been little or no global warming for the last 20 years?
Are we prepared for global cooling which is forecast from reduced activity on our sun?
I trust we shall receive real input from qualified geoscientists in the near future.

ColumbusPillow says...

CO2 constitutes only 0.04% of our atmosphere That is too tiny to affect our climate and it is not pollution! If less CO2, no plants would grow and we all die. Recommend these kids learn some botany and some geology.

On Students tackling fossil fuel emissions

Posted 26 April 2019, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Veradero, Cuba's most popular tourist location, is also the location of that country's national oil supply. Anybody complaining?

On Reusable fuels is the way to go

Posted 19 February 2019, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

So much alarmism! The media has been corrupted!

Knowledge is our the best defence against this wave of fear.

Check out the relationship between photosynthesis and co2.(botany). No life.
Check out the geologic record; most climate changes are periodic as a result of at least a dozen natural factors such as changes in this planet's orbit. Human activity has had only miniscule effect.

ColumbusPillow says...

A 2018 worldwide survey of tide gauge data over the last 100 years may give Bahamians some peace of mind. The survey revealed that in general, there is no evidence for, dangerous sea level rise beyond one foot per century!
Also there is no observed relation between CO2 level and sea level rise.
There is a determined effort to frighten people into demanding terrible energy policies; giving up abundant, reliable and affordable oil/natural gas for weather dependent, doubly expensive wind and solar energy.
We are close to the minimum amount of CO2 necessary to enable plant growth through photosynthesis. This planet is presently greening because of increasing CO2. Crop yields are increasing greatly.