Comment history

CommonSense says...

Ultimately it is our judiciary system that is failing us most. If you look at the history of the perpetrators of these crimes you'll see that they are quite known to the police and have already had at least one stint in jail. None of these persons are first time offenders. The police catch them and the courts let them out. Why is that? This government needs to completely revamp our antiquated laws on crime. Why is it that a person can be sentenced to 4 years for a joint but a murderer is out on bail with an ankle bracelet because of "overcrowding"? I would rather be walking the streets with a weed smoker than a murderer. The difference between this government and the last is that it seems as though these MPs are completely oblivious to what's going on here. Where the hell is Bernard Nottage? Sleeping as usual? These men do not seem to care. How are these high powered weapons entering the country? I agree that the police force needs to take on the attitudes of the LAPD and NYPD. Random stops and frisks. Start patrolling the streets. You don't see police officers walking unless they're on Bay Street. Nassau is a dangerous place. Won't see me out after dark I'm putting myself on a curfew.

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 28 December 2013, 3:17 a.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

Right before Christmas too...crying shame. I've been wondering how it is that persons have become so desensitized when it comes to murdering another person. How is it that one can just walk up to someone and shoot them in the face multiple times? I've heard that we're going actually experiencing a drug epidemic (not marijuana or cocaine either). Criminals are taking these drugs which strip them of their conscience and enables them to commit these acts. I don't know how true it is but it should be looked into.

CommonSense says...

Shouldn't it be 112 counting the lady that got stabbed out west on Sunday?

CommonSense says...

I can understand that. I got robbed two months ago and reported it. Waste of time. I did the whole "go to the sketch artist" thing and never heard back from them after. They never even sent the sketch for me to verify. Between the police force not taking matters seriously and the court system consistently allowing murderers to be out on bail, crime is never going to go down

On Armed robberies over weekend

Posted 24 December 2013, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

The owner of the building should be investigated. Heads up.

On Fire destroys West Bay restaurant

Posted 23 December 2013, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

All female victims. Seems as though women are the main targets of robbery. My fellow females...please leave your ridiculously large handbags at home. Stop walking with your phones glued to your ear or in your hands texting. Be aware of your surroundings. Keep your money in your pockets and your keys in your hands. When you get home, before you get out of your car look around. Call someone from inside to come outside when you get there. Befriend your neighbors and alert them when you're heading home so that they can peep outside if you live alone.

On Armed robberies over weekend

Posted 23 December 2013, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

Fred, I understand your point but please ease up on this agenda. I'm all for gay rights as a gay person myself but right now that needs to take the ultimate backseat as we have much more important situations to deal with right now. Like...umm...let's see...CRIME!!!!! We don't have time to focus on this please focus your efforts on combating these crime rates.

On Fred Mitchell reaffirms gay rights support

Posted 23 December 2013, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

Equal rights has nothing to do with being free to engage in sexual acts behind closed doors. Equal rights has to do with being able to marry a consenting adult whether they're of the same sex or not. You obviously don't understand what "equal rights" entails. Once again, another ignorant Bahamian that lets religion dictate how they think.

CommonSense says...

Homosexuals brought about HIV and AIDS? Please quote your sources.

CommonSense says...

Can you prove that the bible is a legitimate book? Can you prove that Jesus existed? Can you explain why even after all of your praying your loved ones still die?