Comment history

CommonSense says...

Are you daft? A baby doesn't have to choose but not all babies take to their mother's breast and must be fed with bottles instead. Would you call a baby that refuses to suck its mother's breast "abnormal"? This sense of normality is subjective. Someone's normal will always be another person's abnormal. Make an attempt to curb your ignorance sir.

CommonSense says...

So I heard, the guys that were targeted had been at a party before this "Peace Party" and had broken a hennessy bottle over someone's head. That someone happened to be the brother of one of the persons that came back and shot the party up in retaliation. This could all be hearsay but that's what I heard.


Posted 18 December 2013, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

I agree with UserOne. Even if I hit a dog I'll stop and see what is what. Also, I'm pretty sure that the driver looked in their rear view mirror and saw that they left behind a child. This person has no excuse. Fear might have been the reason why they didn't stop but they need to turn themselves in.

CommonSense says...

P.S. Mum sitting behind Christie is knocked out lmaooo

CommonSense says...

This man sickens my soul. Instead of spending all of this money making these little trips how about the government do something about this horrible court system we have? How about we build a bigger (not necessarily better) prison so that we don't have an issue with overcrowding where we have to have murderers out on bail?

What the hell is this country doing?! The government is worthless, the criminals are taking over and the international community is watching as we slowly but surely self-destruct.

CommonSense says...

Something needs to be done and quickly before our tourism industry crashes. Cruise lines have already blacklisted us and we've appeared on lists as a country that Americans shouldn't visit.

The criminals have gotten increasingly bold. I can remember when crime was mostly a night-time thing. Now people are committing crimes in broad daylight on Bay Street. I can vouch for it because I was robbed on Bay Street back in August and I still work in the area.

The police presence down here is strong but instead of actively patrolling they rather stand around with their worthless selves and take photos with tourists. You see them between Market and Frederick Street and that's it! And only where they meet Bay.

Something needs to be done. This is more than a politics thing. People seem to have no conscience these days. A human life means nothing to these people. I come to work and I go home. Nassau dangerous.