Comment history

CommonSense says...

RIP Patty!! :'(

CommonSense says...


CommonSense says...

This war against marijuana is getting ridiculous now. How many persons are in HMP for drugs? Probably more than half of the inmates. Legalize it and tax it and for God's sake PLEASE stop arresting persons for a couple of joints or some damn brownies. I wonder how many of the backlogged cases are based on drug charges...

CommonSense says...

This is about the only thing that you and I will ever agree on lol

CommonSense says...

What am I missing here? Why would people intentionally light it on fire? They're trying to tell uus that people are breaking into the dump just to light it on fire? I doubt it. They're doing it themselves to make more space because the landfill is almost at capacity. Maybe if they actually recycled the waste things would be better. The dump needs to moved. It's too close to residential areas.

On Schools close as dump burns

Posted 9 March 2016, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

So, what's the truth here? On one hand you say the layoffs are pending and on the other hand you say it's unclear whether the retained persons will also be let go. Please clarify.
> "with an additional 400 lay-offs
> pending (total staff stood at 2,500).
>It is unclear whether Baha
> Mar’s remaining 350 staff, who have
> been retained to preserve the property
> and its assets, will also be let go
> and join their previously-terminated
> 2,000 former colleagues."

On IDB: Baha Mar to up jobless rate 2%

Posted 16 December 2015, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

You'll be forced out alright. Wait until 2017 for it you idiot.

On PM: I won’t be forced out

Posted 21 September 2015, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

So...they don't have to pay it back?

CommonSense says...

It truly is unfortunate for those that are in positions that are dependent upon gratuities - the base salary will not cut it. However, it is amazing that Baha Mar is still paying their employees although they haven't been working for 2 months now and it speaks to the integrity of Izmirlian who surely could have laid all of them off and saved a considerable amount of money in doing so.

The truth of the matter is, Baha Mar has some of the most intelligent, experienced persons on their team and to let all of them go is apparently not worth the money that can be saved. I'm sure that they won't be able to maintain the payroll once the $21M owed from the government runs out but as it is right now, I agree that it is a good move. Once some of these people have been let go it's going to be extremely difficult to recruit them or people like them in the future. Many won't even consider returning until the resort is actually opened and off of the ground.

To the employees - remain confident and know that your employer is doing their best to keep you. No other employer would have paid you to stay home and do nothing all day. If you choose to stay with the company, now is the time to exercise frugality. Aside from that, I'm sure that many of you already have secret second jobs and are still collecting checks from Baha Mar simultaneously which, while dangerous, is wise. Save what you can and spend what you must. This government will be exposed soon enough and Baha Mar will be back on track under Izmirlian's leadership.

On Baha Mar: What now for the workers?

Posted 1 September 2015, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

Bold indeed - the Police Station is less than a minute away.

On Super Value held up in afternoon robbery

Posted 1 September 2015, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal