Comment history

CommonSense says...

This country always has some kind of drama. The man has been robbed how many times for the year? What do you expect for him to do? Just sit back and take it?

CommonSense says...

The Security company HAS to be involved because only they would have known that the money was still there after he called them.

CommonSense says...

Bradley Roberts is an idiot. Every time he speaks he proves it over and over again. Liquidators CAN NOT open the resort no matter what he thinks and the liquidation process itself won't be finished by the end of the year much less anything else.

CommonSense says...

Rollins is proving to be a very transparent politician. This country could do with more transparency.

On Rollins: I was lured into trap over Minnis

Posted 18 August 2015, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

This man doesn't have the sense to understand why the remarks from Fred, Shane, and Brad are so damaging to our image in the international community. He has no real power in his own government. He's going to wait for Baltron Bethel to tell him what to say and then he'll say it. Spineless, worthless excuse for a Prime Minister.

CommonSense says...

The lack of comments doesn't mean that no one read it.

CommonSense says...

Fred is a complete and utter IDIOT. His party seems to be irrationally divided on this issue. He needs to speak to Brave Davis and understand why exactly the government is paying Baha Mar because he is making it seem as though this is a favor that the government is doing. The thing is, the government is using monies owed to Baha Mar to pay their employees. There is no logical reason as to why the Expats were not made. This is not money from the Treasury as Brave confirmed:

***deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis yesterday confirmed that the Christie administration will continue to pay Bahamian employees at Baha Mar until the $21m owed to the mega resort by the government for roadwork is exhausted.
Mr Davis said it was a “misconception” that the government had paid the resort’s more than 2,000 Bahamian workers from the Public Treasury, adding that the funds were deducted from the sum meant to cover the government’s portion of costs for roadwork associated with the development of the resort.
“The premise that the government is paying them (Baha Mar workers) is a misconception,” Mr Davis said. “The government had agreed to advance the roadwork payments to him (Mr Izmirlian) and we did not do that. Hence we are making payments to his staff, and we will continue to pay.”***

CommonSense says...

I'm confused...why are we rounding $7.5M to $6M? Is the biweekly payroll $3.75M (7.5M per month)?

CommonSense says...

Wrong on the first one. Baha Mar back-office operations are open and running.

CommonSense says...

The hotels itself are not opened and all construction has stopped. Back-office operations are continuing in key departments that are needed for day-to-day functions. The vast majority of the employees are 'being paid to stay home'.