Comment history

Concerned says...

What do you expect when the now Deputy Prime Minister was all over the news telling the world how bad things are and putting up bill boards to keep the information fresh? What do you expect when the Minister of Tourism is all over the media warning tourists how degrading our society has gotten? What you expect when we have a minister and junior minister of national security who have their heads stuck in the ground believing that crime is down when in truth all hell is breaking loose in our communities? What the U.S. talking about? We straight man - the PLP is in power.

On US alert in wake of tourist shooting

Posted 21 May 2013, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

Simply said... "There is no honor among thieves"

On Claim over award of contracts

Posted 15 May 2013, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

And let me guess.... you really believe the story that he was "attacking" them.

Concerned says...

My dear friend. This has nothing to do with NIB or report. Follow the money trail spent on the sham of a report and you will find your answers. This is merely a typical PLP smokescreen. Distract and destroy.

Concerned says...

please tell me this is not true!!
i don't know which is worse; the lame story used to steal $80,000, the person who gave $80,000 to a complete stranger, or the legal system who let the thief walk away scott free.
Only in the Bahamas.

Concerned says...

You know... in a civilized nation with properly trained officers, the officers would have used pepper spray or a taser to safely subdue a hostile suspect. But that would require three things: the Bahamas being a civilized nation, officers being properly trained, and officers being supplied with pepper spray and a taser. Every cop and mall cop in America has them. Tactical pepper spray cost $35 and a multi-discharge taser cost $90. It took our police years to evolve to begin carrying guns and not batons, let's see how long it will take for our police to evolve to carry non-lethal weapons. Sadly, resorting to moves seen on WWF Wrestling is not a clear sign that we're evolving.

Concerned says...

My God couldn't the police come up with a better story. So it wasn't a tiger but hey don't worry, it's some large animal in the cat family like a cougar, leopard, bob cat or jaguar and it's much better to get eaten by them than by a tiger. Oh, wait it's a 3 feet tall dog. Oh that's much better. He's not worried about biting your throat like a large cat, he will just want to use your thigh like ham bone and chew on it for a while.

On No tiger on the loose, say police

Posted 7 May 2013, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

No surprise to me at all:

- Urban Renewal 2.0. Yes it got started but they fired people to replace them with PLP

- Ministry of Grand Bahama - Yes, but only a ministry in words with a lousy minister

- Mortgage Relief - Yes, but a complete failure with no one benefiting

- Gambling Referendum - Yes, but a national embarrassment

- Buy Back BTC - Complete failure when they already knew it could not be done

- Decrease Stamp Tax - Yes in certain areas but no real benefit for the masses

- Review of Financial Services - Okay, so they reviewed it - now what?

Everything about this government has been a complete failure or just a smoke screen to cover up other colossal failures. They taking credit for investment projects that had clearly started construction even before this government came into power. PLP government, as usual, has been plagued with controversies and corruptions. Every cabinet minister appears to be prime minister, except for the prime minister himself. Ministers are shooting their mouths off in the media on matters that don't concern them and the prime minister's favorite line is "I am not aware of that". I wouldn't say we're doomed but I will say that we need a lot of prayers to make it through this storm.

On Readers rate PLP with a grade F

Posted 6 May 2013, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

- Urban Renewal 2.0. Yes it got started but they fired people to replace them with PLP

- Ministry of Grand Bahama - Yes, but only a ministry in words with a lousy minister

- Mortgage Relief - Yes, but a complete failure with no one benefiting

- Gambling Referendum - Yes, but a national embarrassment

- Buy Back BTC - Complete failure when they already knew it could not be done

- Decrease Stamp Tax - Yes in certain areas but no real benefit for the masses

- Review of Financial Services - Okay, so they reviewed it - now what?

Everything about this government has been a complete failure or just a smoke screen to cover up other colossal failures. They taking credit for investment projects that had clearly started construction even before this government came into power. PLP government, as usual, has been plagued with controversies and corruptions. Every cabinet minister appears to be prime minister, except for the prime minister himself. Ministers are shooting their mouths off in the media on matters that don't concern them and the prime minister's favorite line is "I am not aware of that". I wouldn't say we're doomed but I will say that we need a lot of prayers to make it through this storm.

Concerned says...

Clearly the "STUPID statements" are on you for not properly reading. A "failure of law" is different than a "failure of police". Look it up, take your own advice and stop making stupid statements