Comment history

Concerned says...

This is clearly a failure of the law and a sad testament to how low our society has gotten.
- 15 year old actively engaging in unprotected sex with a 20 year old.
- a 20 year old raping a 15 year old
- a baby being proof at the hospital that a 20 year old was having sex with a minor and nothing was done about it
- a mother who knew that her 15 year was having sex with a 20 year old and did nothing about it

If intervention was done at any of these previous stages, the baby would be alive today.

Concerned says...

Hell has no fury like a woman's scorn. After all these years, the original wife still had it in with the no good husband.

Another great part to this story is the Jamaican woman who, according to her hyphenated surname, already went through one or two marriages herself. Hope she got her refund if this was a paid marriage of convenience so she can get spousal residency.

On Teacher admits bigamy charge

Posted 13 March 2013, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

Yep, if I fire 10,000 and hire 10,000 to replace them, I would have provided 10,000 jobs. Sounds like PLP logic to me.

Concerned says...

late again!! That logo should have been selected from last year and January 1, 2013 we should have seen it all over town and used in international advertisements. With only few months to go before July 10, this PLP government just trying to play catch. Sad and pathetic..... as usual.

Concerned says...

Bakman, is a typical get rich quick or die trying type of people that this government is catering too. No more such thing as hard work and ingenuity.

Concerned says...

This is all just stall tactics on both sides of the table. The first stall was to file for the injunction; Munroe already said that the full process will take months or years; and now the government will stall further by trying to fight the injunction. The intention is to stall until there is a change in government to pass the burden off to and in the mean time, business goes on as usually with the number houses having full immunity because of the injunction. Wise, very wise indeed.

Concerned says...

But yet the Minister of National Security is pushing to have more criminals released from prison and out on bail and to disband the use of ankle bracelets.

On One shot, one assaulted by gang of men

Posted 4 March 2013, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

So........ Mr. Smith..... if hundreds of people bought tickets for the concert..... you haven't said yet why YOU didn't pay Beres his money.

On Beres Hammond fans left angry after no-show

Posted 25 February 2013, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

@Proud. So you're suggesting that after the man already knock down an officer and trying to speed off to get away, the other officer is supposed to just let him leave? In most American cities they would have aimed at the man to shoot him directly rather than shooting the tires. A car becomes a weapon once you deliberately use it to try hit someone. He is fortunate that our police are afraid to kill. The headline could have easily read "Fleeing Suspect Killed By Police".

On Suspect held, click here for video and story

Posted 25 February 2013, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

Where did Mr. Fritzgerald come from and why is he Minister of Education? I thought he was somewhere in the Attorney General's Office throwing out gun cases.

On Minister to seek truth over student's injuries

Posted 22 February 2013, 1:06 a.m. Suggest removal