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Cornel says...

"Sex Offender Fraser Launches New Church" , a Principal who is a murderer, what a great place, the Bahamas

On Principal a killer in past

Posted 14 April 2014, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

Let's give the government a "Big Hand" for all their hard work at fighting crime. I am sure that we can all say "a job well done" !

Cornel says...

This is outrageous. He should be banned from serving in any capacity within a church.

On Sex offender Fraser launches new church

Posted 14 April 2014, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...


On Armed robbery at Paradise Island hotel

Posted 14 April 2014, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

Here is what should be done with the traffic. We should change over and drive on the right side of the road.

In order to enable this change over we will do it in a three step process, as follows

1- Day One - Trucks start driving on the right hand side

2- Day Two - Cars start driving on the right hand side

3- Day Three - Motorcycles start driving on the right hand side

By doing this in a systematic approach, it can not fail.

On Canadian to lead review of road traffic

Posted 9 April 2014, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

So if he has a beef with his employer . . why does he threaten to disrupt business at the Casinos. They have nothing to do with this. But what does he care about the customer who pays his and his members salaries? Obviously nothing.

Cornel says...

How much money is this costing?

On 'Bahamas can lead region over reparations'

Posted 7 April 2014, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

According to the stats . . In 2012 Miami had 69 murders or 16.7 per 100,000. (see…). According to stats for the Caribbean, The Bahamas had 120 murders in 2013 or 34.1 per 100,000 (see… ) . I bet if you took the murders only for Nassau the number per 100,000 would be 50-60.

Instead of complaining about the US Embassy the Government should do something about the crime.

Cornel says...

Here's an idea. The Government needs money, 'cause no one pays there taxes, so why don't they sell their shares to the public.

Oh, I know why, The people will take the share and not pay the Government for them. . .

Cornel says...

Why do people continue to listen to these "men of God" - The ones who have relationships with young parishioners, the ones who cheat on their wife, the one who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year so that they can fly in private jets, the ones who go to prison.

When will people learn?