Comment history

Cornel says...

***These bonds, which would have a principal maturity around 25 years later, would see interest payments to investors serviced from a portion of the revenues generated by BEC customer payments***

As BEC customers do not pay their electric bills, I guess that there would never be any interest payments made.

On Gov't eyes $450m BEC debt 'win-win'

Posted 22 August 2014, 8:22 a.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

January 2, 2015 is the date to increase it to 20%

On 'Too early' to talk of VAT rate increase

Posted 29 July 2014, 7:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

500-1000 people paid their bills. $100-$200K. So if it was 750 people and $150,000 that would be $200 per person?

The other day Miller said, in this newspaper, "Most people who owe BEC owe a lot of money. The average homeowner owes in excess of $5,000, some as much as $15,000."

Say what? This is a joke

Cornel says...

Just cut the number of BEC employees, Cut off the people that do not pay, and collect all of the fees and taxes that are due and all will be fine in Bahamaland and there will be no need for VAT or anything else

Cornel says...

This does not make sense. Religious and Sports groups typically are looking for "inexpensive" destinations and or hotels. Why would they come to one of the most expensive destinations ?

On Tourism targets 3-4% niche market growth

Posted 15 July 2014, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

This is just one more thing to add to the list of items that never get paid. So where are we now?

Stall Rent, Power Bill, Water Bill, Property Taxes, Customs Duty . . . . the list gets bigger and bigger yet the Government is only concerned about adding new taxes and not collecting what is due

On Vendors evicted at Straw Market

Posted 14 July 2014, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

Remember that on January 2, 2015 the VAT rate will be increased to 15%

Cornel says...

What a new and exciting concept ! ! Arrest Criminals.

On Police target most prolific criminals

Posted 1 July 2014, 7:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Cornel says...

**Everyone** says "exceptional customer service is critical to the success of the tourism and hospitality industry". In fact they say it over and over and over again.

But nothing ever changes. They just keep repeating the line hoping that customer service will improve on its own. Customer service, except in rare circumstances will never improve in the Bahamas until there is a change in attitude.

Cornel says...

Here is the real question. They say that the office brings in $40M in customs duties per year. We know, from reports in this newspaper, that only some of the money (40-50%) ever gets recorded. So the real amount of duties collected is most likely between $60M and $80M. So where is that money?