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CuriousAbaconian says...

Thank you jt. It also says you should murder your wife if she isn't a virgin, or kill your child if he/she talks back to you. People like to cherry pick.

On Christie says no to gay marriage

Posted 7 August 2014, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

CuriousAbaconian says...

You missed the boat pablo. I was referring to your previous use of the word "morals" and trying to relate them to christian principles. Of course if a thief points a gun at me, it's apparent he has no morals. This has nothing to do with the issue of equality for ALL Bahamians. Insinuating that because someone is a homosexual he/she is someway "immoral" or undeserving of the rights that we heterosexual Bahamians enjoy is foolishness. That's my point - please stop trying to muddy the waters. If you're a bigot, that's your problem, but please don't suggest that such bigotry should influence individual rights.

CuriousAbaconian says...

Morals are subjective, and certainly don't pay the bills. Equality is something we all deserve - regardless of race, sexual orientation, political leanings, etc. Wake up people!

CuriousAbaconian says...

When I was a student in 2004-5, Dr. Smith was indeed the recipient of a "no confidence" vote at Ramapo College in New Jersey. It was embarrassing then, and is so now. Less than two years later, he was forced to resign from COB due to accusations of plagiarism. One would think that an individual with his level of education would be familiar with plagiarism and its consequences (he's head of a college after all). Everyone knows - plagiarism is the Cardinal Sin of Academia! What a horrible example/message to send to our young people. How COB can ever discipline someone for plagiarism in the future is beyond me. Smith is a bad choice.

On Smith for COB president

Posted 30 July 2014, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal

CuriousAbaconian says...

Stupidest letter ever. Obviously, Tony, you have "a horse in the race." I don't give a shit if you want to gamble, but PGC put a referendum to the people, and the people voted no. Cased closed. This is an alleged democracy we live in - although it's clearly not - as PGC has ignored the voice of the people and solidified himself as the worst PM in our country's history (albeit there are only two others, both of whose legacies are questionable).

Furthermore, to compare Roland Symonette with these webshop criminals is ludicrous. I'll give you a history lesson: Rum was LEGAL in the Bahamas during Prohibition. "Pop" didn't run rum you idiot, he sold it to Americans that ran it, including Bill "The Real" McCoy, amongst others. He wasn't doing anything illegal in THIS country, so get your facts straight. The numbers bosses have operated illegal operations under both governments and made millions at the expense of the Bahamian people. Newsflash: it isn't the rich people who throw their money away playing numbers.....

Finally, no one is questioning the morality of webshops, so don't compare them to alcohol or cigarettes. Are they all expensive vices? Yes. However, two of them are legal, and therefore up to the customer to decide if they want to waste their money. One of them is illegal, and therefore, by partaking you are breaking the law! If the Bahamian people had voted YES, I wouldn't be writing this rant, but they didn't. And so, you gamble away my friend. No one is questioning your morality, just remember that you support a criminal enterprise. So what does that make you?

Don't muddy the waters buddy, not every Bahamian is an idiot.

On Briefly

Posted 26 June 2014, 7:27 a.m. Suggest removal

CuriousAbaconian says...

Nottage is a liar and a charlatan. What a pathetic excuse for a MP. These people need to stop drinking the kool-aid and voting for such people.

CuriousAbaconian says...

“The only thing the government needs to do now is issue a cheque for $2m..."


CuriousAbaconian says...

Look at the way these two young men show up to court (particularly the one on the left). A "Brew" t-shirt? Come on man...

On Pair jailed for shooting top cop

Posted 12 June 2014, 6:29 a.m. Suggest removal

CuriousAbaconian says...

Why wouldn't they? They're operating illegally already

On 'Webshops may be fleecing customers'

Posted 11 June 2014, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

CuriousAbaconian says...

Spot on!

On Show others respect

Posted 10 June 2014, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal