Comment history

DMoe says...

Mandatory for who? Rich kids, poor kids, black kids, white kids, boys, girls, college bound, smart kids, not so smart kids, politicans kids, or just kids with no pull. How do you determine which kids must serve? Justo asking.

On Allen calls for curfew and national service

Posted 24 November 2016, 7:34 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

How many hundreds of thousands of pounds of seafood will they be allowed to send back to China per year? Looks like we gonna be making our boil fish with Talapia!

On Baha Mar deal

Posted 8 September 2016, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

Shocked that an Anglican Parrish would take money for use of their hall? Are you sure? The Anglican Church faces a shortfall every month, collections are down, expences are up and more and more people are in need. Don't say that God will provide, He did!

On The scandal of Sandals job cuts

Posted 25 August 2016, 8:02 a.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

Dear finance committee, take the advise of Leslie Miller and "carry your ass' The FNM will win with or without ya'll!!

On Key members of FNM Finance Committee 'resign'

Posted 19 August 2016, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

Dear Tommy Turnquest, you should be the very last one to judge leadership abilities cause you have none. Even Minnis is way better than you ever can be. Jokes

DMoe says...

If I remember correctly, Mr. Smith built the seawall at Williams Town. I doubt that there would be a botched job. Mr. Smith does good work. As for kickbacks, I can't speak on that.

DMoe says...

Why would the FNM want Gomez, he has no value, did not distinguish himself as a MP /Minister. Let him stay where he is, wallowing in the mire that is the PLP.

On Gomez denies he will leave the PLP

Posted 10 December 2015, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

So that would make him the Leader of the DNA and he could fire Bran. Now that sounds like a plan to me!

DMoe says...

Haters, the girl is going to be a star. Brilliant move!

DMoe says...

If you keep repeating a lie, eventually they will start to believe it as truth.